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Here's what lucky viewer Kraytn won

On the last Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend I tried to make a construction paper four leaf clover which ended up looking like a fat green urn.

Here’s my guest Andrew Hunt, wearing the urn and showing off an orange he’d thoughtfully autographed for me (he’s Canadian and couldn’t take it back to Canada).

My second try was slightly more cloveresque (I’m wearing it in the above photo) and somehow near the end of the show you guys suggested I sign it and auction it on the show. Since I need money for the prop budget and also the construction paper budget and also my weave and my ball gowns and the horseshoes for my Clydesdales, I said ok. Kraytn won the above for fifty clams with the caveat that I throw in a signed photo. He’ll be receiving these lovelies in the mail this week.

Also on the show, we helped Koryn figure out which roommate she should select from the three she mentioned. I’m hoping to get her back on the show this Wednesday to fill us in on the roommate search. And also on the show I got married and divorced like fourteen times because that’s what happens when you’re looking for love and I have a heart too soon made glad which is a very literary and poetic reference which is the only kind I make except for when I don’t.

Oh hey, RSVP for the next show, won’t you? And feel free to inquire about all this hot junk!

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On tonight's Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend

Tonight’s show is quickly upon us and frankly I cannot wait. Can I wait? I think I just told you that I can’t!

I’m putting numbers in the double boiler right now because I’m thinking tonight might be a phone-a-fans night. Yes, you read that correctly. Phone-a-fans meaning I may phone more than one fan. If you are reading this for the first time and are wondering what I’m talking about, please try to keep up. In fact, I’ve been thinking I should make a show FAQ. It’s totally on my list of things to make.

Joining me during the second hour will be hilarious Canadian comedian Andrew Hunt. Want to watch one of his funny videos? Here’s one.

He teaches drama in his native Guelph, which I don’t even know how to pronounce, and apparently he and his class just got through some ferocious miming and he’s offered to teach me a bit of miming if I want. I’m weighing the options.

And of course there will be other stuff like the results of WEEK 2 of the Dating Experiment and a discussion about the whole experiment and the show and stuff because I really want to get your feedback. I feel like I’m in a weird spot and need some advice!

And pencil dancing! And deleted tweets! And THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL MESSAGES. Note: it’s not too late to get your special personalized message onto the show. For a $25 donation to the show budget I will read your message on air (provided it’s not a commercial which I have a separate price structure for) and send you an autographed photo. More info is on the advertising page about half way down. This is a special limited time promotion. Look what a sales machine I’m trying to become! (If interested, contact  alisonrosenisyournewbestfriend [at] gmail [dot] com and put “TWSM” in subject. At this time I only accept paypal.)

And RSVP for the show tonight!

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Check out this awesome show logo

“You  have insanely talented viewers,” Dustin said on the show a couple weeks ago. It’s true. They are not only talented but they are incredibly discerning in their choice of programming, specifically and exclusively with regard to me. Anyway, check out this hot action that appeared in my inbox today, courtesy of Kez Wilson!

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I'm going to marry my theme song

On the last show I unveiled my awesome theme song written by Tom Rapp. I knew I played it a bunch of times, but I didn’t quite realize how many until I saw this montage he made which makes me realize that a) I need a full time videographer who knows how to put words on the screen because this is cool! b) Wow, my show is really good!

Oh and hey, RSVP for my next show, won’t you? Results of week 2 of The Dating Experiment and Gavin DeGraw might stop by!

Posted via email from Alison Rosen

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On tonight's Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend… plus info about new FAN PHONE CALL segment!

Okay my little quesadillas, this is how it’s going to go down. Instead of having the last fan choose who the next fan to receive a call on the show is, I’m thinking everyone who wants to get a call should send me their info and I will put all of it in a hat although it’s quite possible it won’t really be a hat and instead it will be a double boiler or a shoe.

If I call you and you don’t answer, I will pull another name out of the hat and you will silently curse your cruel fate.

So send me your name and number (I fear this request sounds creepy but I assure you I will not do anything with your numbers other than put them in said shoe or hat or boiler) to alisonrosenisyournewbestfriend at gmail dot com and you will be entered into lifechanging phone call territory. Speaking of territory, for now this is limited to the continental US because I can’t afford to call other places because that’s the kind of show I’m doing: a cheap one. BUT I LOVE YOU ALL!

And tune the fuck in tonight for amazingness times a zillion.

My guest Nevada Caldwell is an actress/comic who once worked as a phone sex operator and she will teach me how to sound sexier on the phone and look like I’m having a fun on a date and I will tell all of you about my forays into online dating in a segment I’m either calling WTFcupid, Alison Rosen Is Your New Girlfriend or Romancing the Stone. Or some better name. Feel free to make suggestions.

And Dustin and I will share Deleted Tweets (that name is under review as well)

And I will alienate you all by talking about TV shows that only I care about.

And I have a brand new theme song!


And more amazing fun stuff!

Such as Jim Norton! Will he show up? Won’t he show up? He won’t, but we can pretend he might. He will show up in a couple weeks though.

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Puppies, wisdom teeth, Dustin, socks, hoarding, babies

I’m the kind of person who can feel attachment to just about anything, as evidenced by the way I name my plants and can’t bring myself to buy a fish because I know it would crush me to find Fred or Skippy (the name of my fish) belly up and to feel I had failed him. The irony, and now I’m not sure if that’s the correct usage of irony or the casual incorrect usage which eventually will become the correct usage since words are losing their distinct meanings and pretty soon we’ll all walk around “bemused” with “notorious” iPads that “literally” say “MLGHRF” on them and what was I saying? Oh yeah, the odd or unexpected thing here is that I can’t bring myself to buy a fish and yet I dream of having a puppy. You might be thinking, “Don’t you mean a dog? You know that puppies don’t stay puppies forever, right?” however I really just mean a puppy. I definitely don’t have time to deal with anything that’s losing cuteness and gaining size by the day. In fact, I fully intend to make any puppy I purchase sign a contract stating that either party may terminate the arrangement at any time.

I was thinking about attachment though because vronsfan2005 got his wisdom teeth out and tweeted about it and I got mine out some years ago and I was remembering that a few days before the procedure I was sitting in my chair at Time Out New York thinking, “These teeth will never be in this office again.”

I can also recall having trouble throwing away a sock many years ago, and Dustin (who is not my boyfriend! I realize that my blithe references to him may scare off potential suitors and I’m in  no position to scare off any potential suitors since my biological clock is ticking hard and I really want to get married and have babies immediately, in fact that’s what I tell guys I go on dates with when I explain that Dustin is not my boyfriend). Where was I? I really need to quit going on these long parenthetical tangents and then thinking I can get myself back on track. I’m a writer, so if anyone can I can, and yet it’s as if I’m driving a car and while trying to get back home I lose interest in retracing my steps and instead decide to just pull over and build a new different home. So my point was that Dustin is not my boyfriend, we’re just friends, but once  he busted me about my socks.

Anyway, I think maybe I’m a proto-hoarder. I have hoarding tendencies. Of course, I think probably everyone does which is why that show is so popular.

Oh and RSVP to my Ustream show on Wednesday, won’t you? It may or may not feature Jim Norton. It will definitely feature me talking about this whole online dating thing.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp