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Archive | photos

Now I have phantom helmet syndrome

I was on The 404 today and wore a helmet the whole time to protect myself from accidentally looking beautiful. You can go here to read about the morning from their perspective (and to listen to the podcast and watch the video.)

Here are some photos. Ooooh, photos. You love photos.


Here I am in the monitor seeing if it’s safe. (It was.)


Here I am with the guys, protecting myself from accidentally falling job offers.

Here I am with Jeff Bakalar. My head looks so naked in this photo!

And here I am with Wilson Tang.


And here I am with Justin Yu. Despite the fact that I’m a wacky/zany person, I seldom make the wacky/zany face in photos hence many shots like the above. My repertoire is more limited to talking into bananas/carrots and wearing helmets, obviously. And, as the above picture would attest: looking pasty. I need a tan and a helmet.

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I'm a vegetable narc. Also, here are some photos.

Green room shot at Geraldo

So I’m overdue in posting some photos. The above is a green room shot from Geraldo. It’s actually a makeup room in the green room shot. Note the wee Josh Groban behind me.

Want to see a gross pepper?

Oh and here’s the world’s ugliest red-or-is-it-green pepper. Do you see it? If I knew how to put arrows into photos I’d do that but let’s see here. If you aren’t seeing it, it’s directly to the left of the cabbage heads in the middle row. I don’t think this photo quite captures its horrifying freak of nature quality. It looked like it had a green tongue sticking out of it. And then when I went to snap a photo I’m pretty sure one of the grocery store guys took off to alert the boss in the back that there was some kind of vegetable narc on the premises. That’s fine. I’m kind of a vigilante vegetable narc. I make a citizen’s arrest of this pepper. Do not stare directly at this pepper.

Here's why weekends are confusing and kind of suck lately

And this is why late nights are confusing lately. Maybe? I don’t know. I’m too fired up about the pepper to really think about whether this is the sign that captures the confusion or not however basically it’s very easy to misread these signs (there are a few different ones) and end up standing on a platform for a train that’s never coming which isn’t a metaphor but when it happens to you it’s impossible not to feel like it’s a sign of how you’re living your life, instead of a sign about how you misread or don’t read signs, which is also a sign.

With Mike Rouse and Billy Zoom

Oh hey and this is X’s manager Mike Rouse, Billy Zoom of X and me in the green room at Red Eye. Here’s an article about how I know Billy.

With Billy Zoom

And then here’s Billy and me.

One of these things is less high than the other

And here’s Doug Benson and me. We were totally baked in this photo except for me. Thanks to his being in town I saw two plays and a comedy show last week. Left to my own devices I might have just taken photos of atrocious vegetables.

Oh and kind of related by not entirely but kind of: I’m trying to get the word out about The Daily Alison so if you enjoy it please tell your friends and if you don’t enjoy it, please try to enjoy it. No, try harder!

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I was on Geraldo tonight

Did you see it? Here’s a green room shot that I uploaded to twitpic. I could say more but I’m tired. Maybe I’ll talk about it more on my daily vlog tomorrow? I bet I will. I will however say that after the hit (that’s TV talk for “appearance”) it was all I could do not to eat the trough of carbohydates that were sitting in the green room because I was hungry and they were there. Instead of eating the whole palette of them I just picked at a muffin that tasted strangely brothy. “This muffin tastes like soup,” I thought to myself, wondering if there are soup muffins. But it was sort of sweet at the same time. Like a sweet chicken muffin, which would be a great nickname for someone you don’t like all that much.

Green room shot (note tiny josh groban behind me) on Twitpic

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Best Week Ever Tweet Up

Drink puns! At the #bwetweetup on Twitpic

Last night I went to the Best Week Ever tweet up and before you even shake your head, it was fun and it was about Twitter and Best Week Ever so just shut it, okay? I took some photos and uploaded to twitpic but I wanted to post them here, too. Above is a photo of the drinks they were serving.

And then here’s me wearing a name tag because everyone was wearing name tags and I’m a follower.

I bet you think I'm not the nametag type. Could you be any wr... on Twitpic

OMG! A follower! I just made a twitter joke and I didn’t even mean to! Kind of hate myself right now!

And then here’s Pat Kiernan of NY1 around whom I kind of fawned because he’s a NY institution.

I'm standing next to @patkiernan! And I'm acting like a fan. ... on Twitpic

And then after the tweet up we went to Crocodile Lounge where I got in touch with my skeeball roots. I’ve kind of lost my skeeball skills I’m sad to say but I think I could get them back if I worked at it.

And now I have to go wash this TV makeup off my face because I’m getting that uncomfortable TV Makeup Is Eating My Face feeling. I’m sure I have more to tell you but why rush into everything right now, you know?

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My imitation of me

Hey you guys. Don’t be scared by the new design. I’m still the same old gal except now my name is Debra and I enjoy putting together fruit baskets. Not eating them, cuz I’m watching my carbs, but designing them. Edible bouquets, I call them. Sometimes other gals will ring me up, you know, on the old telly and I’ll be like MARGE it’s for you because I always assume when someone’s buzzing us on the horn that it’s gonna be for MARGE because she’s popular and spells her name in all caps. MARGE I say, yelling at the top of my lungs, PICK UP THE PHONE. She never does though because she died four years ago. Bet you didn’t see that coming. Frankly I didn’t either. I thought she was still in the other room painting her toenails and being a royal pain in the ass with the way she’s always talking about Italy.

Anyway, so Ma Bell is just blowing up and no one’s answering. Who could that be giving us a jingle jangle? Who’s buzzing? What the hell was I talking about? Dammit I forget. Oh yes, sometimes ladies will give me the old honkaroo wondering if I can design a randy fruit basket for a bachelorette party and that is where I draw the line. No funny stuff with bananas. That’s not the kind of business I run.

But none of that was what I was going to say and none of that is my imitation of me. My imitation of me is as follows. Oh and by the way this is my imitation of me while working on the new design for the blog with Andrew Mager who is awesome:

Hey so do you think we could try this photo instead?
Wait, what about this one?


Hm, I thought I would like that one but what about this one?


Hm, what do you think? Let’s try this one.

n555066719_1953601_377223Don’t hate me but could we try this one?

picture-1I don’t know what I want to see there, can you make a collage? Of all of them? But not that one? How about this one?

picture-3Wait, what about this one?


Oh, you haven’t gotten up to pee all day and your butt just fell asleep? Ok, how about one more quick thing? How about just this photo?

And by that what I mean to say is that if you’re working with me you get to see a lot of photos of me and that is truly its own reward.

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More photos!

More photos you guys! It’s truly a banner Saturday for you!

Here I am on Red Eye being all smiley.

Here I am being thoughtful.

Here I am making this face.

Yep, another face.

Here I am on Red Eye the week before looking like I was suffering some kind of allergy attack although I don’t think I was.

Did I already post this photo?

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I’m overdue in posting photos so here I go. What a wonderful Saturday surprise for you, right?

Here I am with Jeff Bakalar and Wilson Tang from CNET’s The 404.

Here’s Jeff during the show.

Here’s me before the show.

Here’s Jeff, Justin and Wilson the night before at The 404 Meetup.

Here’s me looking achingly beautiful in the car on the way home from Tuesday’s Red Eye appearance.

I’m happy about the way this camera captures the blue color of my skin. It’s a new embalming fluid I’m using. I think it’s really working!

Here I am in the green room of Red Eye. Fun fact: It’s also the green room used by Morning Show w/ Mike and Juliet and Hannity.

Here’s a public restroom key on a giant key chain. I think giant keychains are funny, especially if they happen to be toothbrushes or something related to the business which houses the bathroom. This wasn’t a giant wooden stick store though, it was a cafe. How uncreative! Anyway though when I walked out brandishing said key I mumbled to something in line about how I almost lost the key! No one thought it was funny. Or rather, no one else thought it was funny. (I had a hearty chuckle at my joke though.)

Here’s a tree in Brooklyn which I uploaded on twitpic with the caption “Coward!”

Here’s a pinball machine featuring the likeness of Courtney Friel I think. “Oh my God, I know her!” I exclaimed, pointing to the pinball machine and taking a photo.

“No way! I know her too!” I said, pointing to Ms. Pacman and taking a photo.

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Some shots from Friday's Red Eye

Here I am in the green room just being all ravishing and stuff.

And then here I am in the newsroom where I was seated for the first couple blocks of the show.
“Blocks,” that’s real TV talk. Did I lose you? No? Let me try harder: camera. top of the show. makeup. um… lights… uh… er… um… wait, come back in a few minutes. I need to think more about this.

Still in the newsroom.

Yep, newsroom.


And then I came into the studio and made this face.

And then apparently I laughed so hard my left eyeball popped out.

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Adorable Tobey shots

My mom just sent these to me. In other news I cooked bell peppers tonight and now my whole apartment smells really bell peppery. Ok fine, I actually also cooked them the night before and the night before. I’m not one for variety. For example, I was hoping all my clothes, like every last garment would smell like a bell pepper and I’m pretty sure I got my wish.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp