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On today's ARIYNBF (Barry Schuler, Courtney Cummz, Alfred Schulz, Koryn, LOOK)

On today’s live from New York show which is happening promptly at 7pm-ish ET (4pm-ish PT), all sorts of wild and crazy stuff is going to go down. What kind of stuff? Well first of all, Barry Schuler, former CEO of AOL and education advocate (he’s in town to speak at this) and winery aficionado and short-pulse laser beam specialist and producer of the new Showtime series LOOK and guy who said I’m the future of TV, rightly so,  is going to be on my show IN MY APARTMENT. We’re going to talk about LOOK which was a movie and is now a series and is completely told with footage from surveillance cameras. Creepy, right? But not in a horror way. It’s a kick-off to next week’s LOOK premiere party in LA which I’m going to be streaming from live. (I’m giving away five invites!)

Then we’re going to talk to adult film star Courtney Cummz who is sort of the Richard Simmons to my David Letterman. What I mean by that is I’m both amused and a little frightened by her. Perhaps she has some thoughts about privacy rights which is one of the things LOOK makes you think about.

Here’s a question: Is concern over privacy rights more a male preoccupation than a female one? And to what degree does it correlate with knowledge of computers and tech? Because my friends who work in tech and perhaps spent some time as hackers are uniformly concerned. Or maybe it’s this predisposition which led them to work in tech? Juxtapose this with me who walks around thinking about my hair and ducklings and figuring all that information is out there and if someone wants to find it they will and look, a puppy! Which is not to say that after watching LOOK, the movie, I wasn’t acutely aware of all the surveillance cameras everywhere because I was. And then when I worked at one of the magazines I worked at I was always aware of the cameras and when there was a rash of petty theft I wondered why they couldn’t just look at the film and see who was stealing my tape recorder (it turned out of be my then boyfriend who needed to borrow it. “Throw the book at him!” I yelled, throwing a book at him. It was just a book of post-it notes because he’d stolen everything else.)

Also we’ll be receiving a visit from Alfred Schulz who has some Things You Never Hear People Say, and Koryn will be dropping in!

Plus all the other stuff you love!

So watch here at 7pm ET tonight and log in to the chat room, won’t you?

And “like” the Facebook page!

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The LOOK premiere party on Sept 30

I will be broadcasting Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend live from the premiere party for Showtime’s new series LOOK on Sept 30! I’ll also be giving away five invites to the premiere on this Sunday’s show. Stay tuned for more details about everything including how to win. (But start thinking about why YOU should get to go, since that will likely be the basis of how I choose unless I come up with something better or someone suggests something better!)

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An update of sorts

Marvin is doing well. In fact we just got back from going to a place where people with parakeets receive medicine and I wish I could say specifically what was going on however recently this conversation happened:

Me: Are you still wanting to keep this secret?

Marvin: Yep

Me: Can I at least say what the situation is since I’m not identifying you?

Marvin: I’d prefer if you didn’t.

So, onward with the parakeets and the Who Is Marvin and whatnot. I was pretty nervous about going to this particular aviary, shall we say (side note: that may not be the best metaphor) because for some reason it just freaked me out even though I’d heard that the mood in these places is light but when you really stop and think about it the spectre of death is right around the corner (past the inspirational posters and shelves of little porcelain angels), but then when you really stop and think about it, the spectre of death is always right around the corner. But at aviaries, when you go out to use the bathroom in the hall you hear some barfing/retching sounds, which is weird because so far Marvin hasn’t felt barfy/retchy.

But anyway, aside from the fact that someone was crying in there which then triggered my feeling like I wanted to cry response, it wasn’t bad at all and the chairs were comfy and I was able to avert my gaze when needles were being inserted into things (pin cushions, voodoo dolls, haystacks) and the magazines were gossipy and I marvel at the way some of the people with parakeets keep their spirits high. Speaking of keeping your spirits high, Marvin and another family member and I (spine-tingling side note: would it be nuts if it turned out that Marvin was ME? That would be an exciting twist, speaking strictly of narrative. But Marvin isn’t me.) listened to this guided visualization meditation CD because Marvin and this family member had gone to a meditation class and I hate that I’m so immature however I had a tough time not laughing during the CD because the woman leading it had a speech impediment. I’m not making this up. Her voice was still relaxing though, in an unfortunately comical way, and when she told us to relax and let it all out and someone farted (yet again, not me!) I tried to keep a straight face but I just couldn’t instead emitting the kind of laugh that’s produced from trying really hard not to laugh. A snortle-splosion.

In other news, I was just invited to play on a softball team. Like right this very second. My response? “Are you looking for someone who’s actually good at sports?” I just want to make sure these people are as serious about it as I am because if I have to carry the team again I’ll be pissed.

What team? What do you mean by again? (That’s you saying that.)

I’m referring to the time I led the 1968 Olympic downhill skiing team to victory before I tore all my rotator cuffs and had to have them tailored. It was a nightmare because the tailor didn’t know what he was doing. “Are you not trained in surgery and buttons?” I demanded. “You’re dangling by a thread there,” Armando yelled back, jabbing at the air with his little chalk marker thing which may or may not actually be soap. I forget what happened next but I was hauled off by security even though I was an injured —and now irate—Olympic medalist in an ill-fitting shirt.

In other news, James Fletcher will be appearing on my show soon. I mentioned him on the last show and I can’t get his album out of my mind! (Track number 4 “Don’t Say a Word” is my current favorite.)

Also, I have pictures of the food I ate in first class (did I mention I flew first class on my way out here? I did? A million times? Never mind then) because I was planning on interviewing myself about it, however I haven’t gotten around to it probably because I insist that I fax myself a request and I have neither a fax machine nor the time to deal with some spoiled starlet’s ridiculous demands.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp