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Author Archive | Alison Rosen

Day one

"We're all tired but you're the only one who can't show it." Eric to me, after a particularly lackluster take.

Now I'm in a cab on the way home after what felt like a really long day. There's traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. I have a headache and my feet kill. On the upside I found my lingerie tape so now if I'm worried about my shirt popping open or sliding around I can surreptitiously tape that sucker to my flesh, which is what I did.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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First video from the MINI rooftop

It was windy and I was looking all around and my face was kinda scrunched up because of said wind and also, the rooftop is just cool and there’s a lot to look at. Anyway, here’s the first one. Expect more with oodles more me in the them (seriously, they will be chock full of me. They will be a nougat of me dipped in a me coating).

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Hold it right there

When I'm rich and own the world one day I'm going to have my own bathroom that travels with me because the amount of time I spend waiting in public restroom lines is ridiculous.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Brooklyn can't keep its hands off me

Yesterday I went to this cute little antique or secondhand store near my apartment that had all this cool old furniture which smells cool and old and maybe a little like mothballs, but very hip vintage moth balls, not mass produced moth balls. I mean, the craftmanship that went into these balls. The elbow grease and the sweat. Someone labored over these balls. You don’t find that in the city. So anyway I was talking with the woman who worked at the store because I can be garrulous and winning when I so choose, or when the moment chooses me, I mean, who’s to say you know? So we’re talking and she asks how long I’ve been in the neighborhood and I tell her three days and she comes out from behind the counter to give me a hug and say welcome to the neighborhood. It was so sweet I almost cried! And then I told my sister later that day and she almost cried! It’s like we’re just so relieved that anyone likes me! And then today I met my landlord’s wife and daughter (they live above me) and they were super nice and gave me a sweet housewarming gift (a cute teapot and some tea) and told me I was home now and if there’s anything I need not to hesitate to ask and she gave me a hug and it was so nice I almost cried. And then I told my parents and they almost cried! I’m telling you, it’s like I’ve never known the touch of other human beings or something. Anyway, photo tour? I think so:

Here’s me on moving day in the middle of the WORST allergy attack ever. I think my nose was swollen. I cannot emphasize enough how bad this allergy attack was. It was like a cat exploded on my face. And not in a good way. A less confident person would burn this photo, not upload it, but what the hell. I dare you to love me.

Here’s one of the pieces of furniture I bought from the antique store near my apartment. Usually I like white furniture but new borough, new woodstain. Also, don’t I look like a fussy little old man with this nightstand? You can’t really tell but there is an umbrella and a bottle of aspirin on the shelf. It’s the umbrella that makes me look geriatric for some reason. I should also stick a hot water bottle under there. And my reading glasses, even though I don’t use reading glasses.
Oops, out of order. Here’s me on moving day, transporting my precious plants. That’s me with no makeup, by the way. None.

Here’s the adorable teapot I received as a housewarming gift from my landlord. I also received a tin of tea but that isn’t in this photo.

Here’s another piece of furniture I bought from the antique store. Doesn’t it kind of look like a smiley face or the face of a robot/computer in an 80s movie? I liked it until I wrote that.

Here’s a lamp I bought at this little furniture store I discovered called Ikea. Who knew I like funky lamps? I didn’t. But I do!

Here’s a rounded edge bookshelf thing I bought from that store. Not Ikea, the other one.

I also bought a “secretary” although thus far this pink thing hasn’t made me any coffee or filed anything.

Here it is, opened. It’s blue inside! I totally didn’t need this at all, however now that I have it I’ve made it my correspondence corner, in case I need to send anyone a postcard. Note: the last postcard I sent was in 1994.

Here’s a bathroom storage thing I bought from someone off Craiglist. Now my whole bathroom smells like whatever hair products the person who used to own this used. It’s a distinctive smell but I can’t place it which is frustrating. I like to think I know my Garnier from my Aquanet from my Sebastian.

I love ducklings but I realized that the love I have for my dishwasher is a close second. I LOVE this dishwasher. A friend of mine told me he finds doing dishes relaxing. I find not doing dishes relaxing.

Inside my dishwasher.

Remember how I said my freezer smells like asparagus? Well asparagus, you’ve met your match. I’m tackling the problem head on. This baking soda was lovingly shot and backlit in my freezer.
And lest that smell think of laying down roots in my fridge? Think again.

I guess that’s all for now.

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I'm back!

I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back! I don’t even know what to say right now except I’m really glad to have internet again and also, my freezer smells. Like asparagus. I have a can of asparagus in the refrigerator. But I really think the smell is something separate. But what are the chances?

I have so much more to say but for now I’ll say that I just got back from interviewing one of the architects of the MINI rooftop and the space is really cool. Also, I got grass on my butt and shoes. And because I couldn’t find my lingerie tape because it’s in one of those boxes over there, I just scotch taped my shirt to my body. Also, it was so hot up there we both were shiny. Also, I’m tired. And finally, um, I missed you.

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first night in the new apartment

So years ago I had oral surgery because I had an impacted cuspid (hot!) And I remember thinking at the time that unlike so many experiences in life where you get yourself all worked up and nervous and then they go fine and are much better than you were expecting, the surgery really kind of sucked. And then I had to have it again a couple years later or maybe some months later, I can’t remember because it was high school when I was busy writing down what I wore everyday so I didnt repeat which is funny since now I always repeat. Clothes are really just an extension of your personality and my personality is green sweater. But anyway, moving is like surgery. It always is worse than you expect, or just as bad, and yet it gets done and then you forget about it and then eventually you have to do it again. I like the place though. I just feel a little disconnected because thanks to superior customer service, and that’s sarcasm, I have no internet or cable. Or phone, but that was to be expected. Anyway, if I sound hoarse tomorrow it’s because I had to smoke crack to settle my nerves. Also because I was on the phone for hours trying all manner of pleading from desperate to irate to resigned. Anyway, once I’m connected again just you wait because I took pictures with fred and rita today while moving in the midst of a crazy allergy attack. So, there’s that to look forward to.

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I am alive!

Sorry blogreaders, I’ve been kinda MIA today. Last minute moving junk and either stress is making me feel like I’m going to barf or I really am going to barf. Which is good when you think about it because it’ll lighten the load. At one point today I stood in front of five rolls of carpet which ranged in color from sand to taupe and then decided that I really couldn’t decide today. I’m bad at decisions and I’m bad at being bad at decisions. But I am totally ready to talk about fall fashion trends on Good Day New York on Friday morning at 7:45am, so if you happen to be up and in New York, do tune in. I see it like this: I’ll talk about fall fashion trends while modeling a look from past seasons. I call it the “this was hanging in my closet” look. Well, to be honest it might be the “this was hanging in my closet except for part of it which was crumpled on my floor.” That look, by the way, is hot on all the runways in between my bedroom and living room.

Tomorrow is the official move, by the way. I’m at that point where I’m not just bringing stuff that I need or love, I’m just dumping crap into boxes. It’s a sort of defeat, but it sure goes faster!

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