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Sports Trolls and Moose Tracks

On this episode Alison and the  Thursday gang (Jenna Kim JonesAllan MossDaniel Quantz, Greg Heller and Jeff Fox) discuss Jenna’s recent hospital excursion, Greg’s tooth story, Alison’s profound state of non-pregnancy, Greg’s stint as a DJ, ice skating, moms on the podcast and mom texts, dads who’ve become sports trolls, extreme moose tracks ice cream, pumpkin spice, psychotic breaks, baby farts, babies, an email from a listener who had a bad experience eating THC gummy bears and so much more.  Plus we did a round of Just Me Or Everyone.

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Credits? We have some!

Executive producer: Alison Rosen

Producer: Jeff Fox

Music: Trapp Dog Tom Rapp

Logo: Kezilla

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14 Responses to Sports Trolls and Moose Tracks

  1. Leeann Ward October 1, 2015 at 3:55 pm #

    I can't believe how fast Jeff is with the drops! He's amazing! There were a couple of times when I couldn't believe he had the right drop so quickly! The show was excellent, so funny and I cannot beg for the Parent Pod episode more! I want to hear from all of the parents who are willing to be on the show, including a return appearance from Dr. Rosen, but I'd especially like to know what the woman who raised Greg Heller is like. She's got a lot to answer for!:) It was adorable that Greg was concerned about not offending Jenna and her mom. I must say that while I loved the old Thursday gang, the episodes that this Thursday crew have been doing have surpassed most of those episodes. Also, Daniel's contributions to the last two episodes have made me forgive him for the infamous Cat Chat episode.:)

  2. AndrewviaMR October 2, 2015 at 12:36 am #

    You guys seriously need to get a bigger camera.

  3. AndrewviaMR October 2, 2015 at 1:24 am #

    Bogleheads? John Bogle the Vanguard guy? Isn't that just index mutual funds? What do people meet up and talk about?

  4. 1whoknocks October 3, 2015 at 8:40 pm #

    I worry for Greg that he needs a shot of whiskey just to go to work these days…

    I enjoy his willingness to talk openly, as well as the rest of the gang. I agree that the “new” Thursday gang is better, while the old gang is not forgotten. Greg's mom seems like a very old school, obviously caring Jewish mother, and I would love to hear of her background. Not to mention what Greg was like as a small child. So disturbing, and a warning to future generations. I would also love to hear from the fore bearers of all the other Thursday favorites.
    Alison's dad, doing Untied Postal Service bits
    Daniel's Mom, explaining how the high Arizona sun actually rejuvenates skin, while absorbed in 15 second increments. His dad quickly yells into mic “Bill Belichick is a
    F-King cheater.”
    Jeff's Mother, telling stories of a young Jeff, literally stirring up wasp nests in the woods of northern Pennsylvania. Yelling a quick, clever quip, while his loved ones suffer quick but painful stings to sensitive areas of their bodies.
    Al's dad, who talks being brave while the Weedman is figuratively beating down your door.
    Jenna's dad, talking up Samsung and compulsory military service. (Not really, but he is literally coming from another world.) I imagine him telling funny jokes we laugh at, but JKJ groans at, expecting less quality material. He sounds great!
    Greg's Mother, Nancy; who Jenna's Dad will coach up on how to talk into the mic, accept your children for who they are, and learn to love apples and pineapples.

    I have to think Alison could get Janay (sp)? , 1-on-1 . (I may have just made her black). We've learned to love Jenna for years, yet don't know much 1st hand, of the woman who raised her as the baby among so many older siblings.

    I just realized the Moss-Jone's will soon be understandably unavailable for more than a month, if we're lucky. Despite their abundance of babysitting options, I can't imagine they will both be able to tear themselves away from that little creature for at least 6 months. I personally wouldn't object to having a tiny Moss-Jones baby just off mic, with #AL quick to comfort him/her in the other room, while guiding a curious Wendy away from the small child with his foot.
    Al's calm demeanor will serve him well as a parent, especially as he eventually guides Jenna through raising a teenager.
    I am personally hoping for a girl, as I feel Jenna would be a great role model on how to be good person, in general. Regardless of sex, #Al will have a “possibly not so tiny” bulldog to mold into a tech savvy extrovert who can easily empathize with almost anybody.

  5. TS October 4, 2015 at 11:08 am #

    F King Champ, the new album by Allan Moss. Featuring tracks by Kim Chee Chips, Becky Hongkington and Nibbles McGee. Get it Tuesday at your local Sam Goody or Warehouse records.

  6. Leeann Ward October 4, 2015 at 11:20 am #

    The Kim Joneses have announced that they're having a girl.:)

  7. Leeann Ward October 4, 2015 at 11:20 am #

    The Kim Joneses have announced that they're having a girl.:)

  8. Darkheart October 4, 2015 at 7:20 pm #

    I totally agree on the new Thursdays. But am I the only one who really didn't like the old Thursdays?

  9. 1whoknocks October 5, 2015 at 4:21 pm #

    I enjoyed their banter, but I have to admit I like the new format; with older, more life experienced people. I myself am 32, but I wouldn't trade places (employment wise) with any current Carolla employee. There is a good reason he seems to only employ people who are 30 yrs old or younger, ( Sorry Chef Jeff) they are cheap and easily replaceable. It is OK to call Adam Carolla by his name. He may have become a delusional, self-worshiping media personality, but he is not Voldemort.

  10. 1whoknocks October 5, 2015 at 4:28 pm #

    Thank you for the info. I seem to remember them saying they were waiting until birth to learn the sex, but I've also seen many friends and relatives who end up wanting to know. It is really just good sense, and planning. Something all newborns rightly deserve.
    I also appreciate your level of dedication to the podcast, and the the relavent Kim-Jones facts. Always enjoy reading your comments.
    Thanks again.

  11. Leeann Ward October 6, 2015 at 2:15 am #

    Aw, thanks!
    I agree with you about the practicality of finding out the gender of the baby before he/she is born. There's no way I could wait, because I would be too compelled to prepare ahead of time. Do you listen to their podcast, Sorry Not Sorry? That's how I knew about their gender reveal, I think, though I do think they mentioned it on ARIYNBF too.

  12. playniceeveryone October 8, 2015 at 12:25 pm #

    I'll admit I am totally confused when folks say things like they need to know the gender of the baby-to-be in order to be “prepared” or that newborns rightly deserve to have their genitalia announced before it appears with the rest of the parts of the body. A newborn male and a newborn female have exactly the same requirements, food, a safe place to sleep, love, easy to remove and clean clothing suitable for sleeping, eating and pooping in because for several months, that's all they do – and occasionally chilling out and observing the what the 'rents are doing. Not knowing the gender of course requires the burden of choosing two names out of the thousands and thousands of potential choices (there is an entire genre of name-the-baby books), or you could take the lazy way out and pick a one name-fits-all option like Lee or Pat or Robin. Technology has improved and empowered so much of our lives and eventually it may also improve our humanity – but we shouldn't necessarily let technology strip ourselves of one of the most intensely joyous and delightful surprises we have as human beings. The moment when parents first see their child's face and are overwhelmed with the feeling of a kind of love you never imagined, combined with the shock of “we made that!” and if you saved the best for last a room full of genuinely happy nurses, MD's and family who are all shouting it's a ……(boy!, girl!!, baby duck 🙂 , panda) it used to be one of the best parts of their job and now its been replaced by an ultrasound screen six months before the baby is even born – now it's just ho-hum, here's your kid, someone call housekeeping to clean up the mess.

    I'm very glad when pregnant with all my children, I imagined all sorts of futures for the baby-to-be because I think those prenatal thoughts are part of the communication between a mother and the infant. I wanted my baby to think their boundaries as set by their personal desire. I think if you close off a large number of potential futures for your child based even inadvertently by gender bias, that can have its own impacts.

    Obviously, there are sometimes situations which happen during pregnancy which result in the parents finding out because of some sort of complication – but in general I'm all for parents retaking over the right to a delicious mystery.

  13. Anonnymous123 October 13, 2015 at 12:41 pm #

    Eh, some people find it exciting to know beforehand, some like to wait. I don't see why anyone else cares. We decided to wait, and had our nursery decorated in a gender-neutral theme which I loved, but I'll admit it would've been nice to know the gender to pre-plan other stuff. As much as everyone these days claims everything kids like is due to “gender bias” a boy baby definitely looks silly pretty fast in a dress. And before he could even crawl it was pretty clear he would have nothing to do with anything pink and loved all toys with wheels in colors of blue and green. (we were a family that did have ballet and hello kitty themed things around because after all, remember, no one knew what we were having and gifted us with a few “girly” items at the baby shower and being artsy and liberal as we are just happily incorporated them into his room) – and it can't be said he picked up some “bias” from TV because we were a non-TV watching family, so take from that what you will 😉

  14. playniceeveryone October 15, 2015 at 5:55 pm #

    I agree with you that overall it's a nunyerbizness sort of topic – why other folks find it so scintillating has struck me as funny too. I also agree that gender differentiation is something which happens regardless of what color you try to put your infant in or what sort of entertainment they are exposed to – the majority of male children decide pretty early on that most things should be evaluated as to whether you can eat it, throw it, build something with it or use it as a weapon whereas the majority of female children evaluate new items as how much they are like things their mothers have/use, whether its better / more sought after than whatever objects the other girls in the room have or how can it be used in some magical or princess-power granting ways – the issue becomes when either gender is strongly guided by adults into ridged, traditional gender roles rather than whatever is rocking their little developmental boats at the moment. But I still don't think what color their onesies are make a damn of difference to a 6 month old infants gender identity. If someones two and half year old son is being crammed into a dress because someone gave them one because they didn't know what gender baby was being had and also had zero knowledge of how big babies are in their first six months and bought your gender unknown baby a toddler 2T size dress as a “baby shower” present and they didn't know a single person who had birthed a baby girl to give it to or couldn't imagine returning the gift for something you might actually use, sounds like there may be bigger problems in their parenting basket, than the useless dress. My girls wore a ton of “boy” hand me downs because fate dictated that my little sister had all boy children and my babies born after those boy infants were girls. They never were a bit confused about their gender and would get rather irritated if anyone looked at their oshkosh jeans and transformers t-shirts and referred to them as a “he” – they were quick to point out to the adult “um…duh – can't you see my hair ribbons? I'm a girl” … cracked me up every time. My girls had an embarrassing amount of Legos because I liked them, and when they asked for some specific boy toy I was thrilled to get out of pink isle prison (no bashing my gender …but why ..why did we get assigned pink? ) neither of my daughters wanted anything pink (one did favor the pink-alternate purple), but Ali my younger daughter loved yellow and all things yellow like baby ducks and baby chicks. Their bedroom growing up was semi-gloss taupe paint chosen for its ability to withstand an absurd number of washes.

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp