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ARIYNBF 372 Special Weekend Show (An Announcement Plus My Side of A Few Things)

Oh hi! This episode starts with an announcement about the weekend shows and then addresses what happened on Thursday, where I attempted to be uncensored and then allowed myself to be censored. Plus what actually happened in Chicago and some other details from my experience on The Adam Carolla Show. And more. Also, I love you.

And guess what? The HGFY ringtone is now available!! Hooray! Search HEY GO FUCK YOURSELF in the itunes store!

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Executive producer: Alison Rosen

Music: Trapp Dog Tom Rapp

Logo: Kezilla

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16 Responses to ARIYNBF 372 Special Weekend Show (An Announcement Plus My Side of A Few Things)

  1. TS March 14, 2015 at 3:39 pm #

    Haters gonna hate.


    Have to admit I wasn't super excited to hear you get into the Adam thing again, since I am already quite sure he was out of line and I don't need to hear more details to know you seem to be right. I say this as someone who has listened to Carolla on a frequent basis since I was 14, and I'm now 31 years old. And, until the beginning of the year, I was a daily listener to his podcasts and had heard essentially every episode since they started.

    However, I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. The tension between your desire (need) to express yourself vs your 'go along to get along' tendency puts the whole thing in a nice context. I am glad to have given you the benefit of the doubt.

    However #2, you seem to be somewhat unclear on how the haters that you're talking about actually work. The short version is, “if it's hysterical, it's historical”. People may be tweeting you and writing about you and using your name, but they aren't actually talking about *you*, they're talking about what you *represent* to them, and expressing their feelings as opinions.

    Using the Lindy West episode of This American Life as an example ( http://www.thisamericanlife.or… ), the people harassing her may or may not have issues with the content of what she says, but anyone having a severely outsized reaction is reacting to the *type* of person she represents to them. Therefore, since she represents everything that's wrong with America, or Feminism or women or whatever, furious reactions make perfect sense.

    I once tweeted you something which you repeated on the podcast a few years ago (thanks btw): there's a difference between someone who disagrees with you, and someone who can't even hear what you're saying.

    To a genuine hater, any time you talk about Adam, you are slinging mud (because that's the kind of person you are), or you're just doing it for attention (because that's the kind of person you are), or you're cynical and just doing it to boost your iTunes ratings (because that's the kind of person you are). So while I understand your feeling a need to clear the air, you have to keep in mind that there a vocal minority who have no interest in what you actually say or mean (certainly, context is a bridge too far)- they don't have to know you, because they know your *type*

    PS. you picked an interesting time to quit Reddit- as of a few days ago, some insane people went on a witch hunt and were accusing a poster of being your and/or your husband posting under an alias. Because this person was defending you and bashing Adam, and, in their solipsism, they couldn't understand any other reason such a person might exist.

  2. Darkheart March 14, 2015 at 5:40 pm #

    Well done!

  3. Sarah March 14, 2015 at 7:13 pm #

    Thank you Alison! It was so nice to hear the more authentic you and to hear your side of the story. I'm behind you all the way.

  4. Leeann Ward March 14, 2015 at 8:17 pm #

    Great points, TS!

  5. AndrewviaMR March 15, 2015 at 3:32 am #

    There was no choice for me, I realized I mainly listened for you and your dynamic. I miss a little bit of the dynamic. I don't know exactly how to replicate that even if you wanted to. I listened to EVERY episode since you came aboard and I haven't listened to ACS since and haven't missed it for a second.

    Hey, I suspect DG was acting in a “good pod” sense. You have every podcast until the end of time. You don't have to get it all out at once. It didn't seem like a shut down to me.

    Let me know when it is a good time to tell you you need to start getting ready for kids. You are going to be in a world of shit, quite literally, and much of this is going to seem trivial in hindsight. But I won't say that right now for fear of being accused of pointing at my watch!

  6. lgeubank March 15, 2015 at 9:35 am #

    It really surprises and shocks me to hear that Alison got so much heat and vitriol from listeners of Adam Carolla's podcast. I always found her hilarious and likeable and cool. I guess there's nobody in the whole world whom some people won't attack.

  7. lgeubank March 15, 2015 at 9:50 am #

    See, there's an example right there of how funny and good at her job Alison is. She said those other people aren't on a Love Bus, they're probably on a… and of course I'm expecting her to say they're on a HATE bus. But Alison is one step ahead of that; she says they're on a Hate Yugo. She's playing chess, comedically speaking, while most of the rest of us listeners are playing checkers.

    So that's one little piece of evidence that she's a humor pro, and whatever went on behind the scenes, she contributed mightily to the humor and interest of Adam's podcast.

  8. Tallulah B Goode March 15, 2015 at 12:19 pm #

    Loved this episode! Thank you!

  9. badabingo March 15, 2015 at 5:32 pm #

    Oh dear, I wrote my comment for this ep on the previous ep's comment section. Whoops! Nutshell version: do what you want, when you want, how you want and never stop – gooooo Alison!

  10. Jeff Chandler March 15, 2015 at 10:38 pm #

    I've held off from saying this, I'm not a regular commenter. I've wanted to write many times, but while you are still processing this, I just want to try and support you and share how I saw the situation unfold. I'm a long-time Adam fan, and from the moment you were on the show during that weird try-out week, I was an Alison fan. I was SO glad you were chosen. Opposites attract and you definitely had the best skills of the bunch. What I like most about Adam is how quickly he can develop a joke or a punchline, and there were many times where I felt you would interject something amazingly quick and incredibly funny which went right past Adam. If not, I almost thought he might see you as a threat and way over-qualified. Then I listened to your end-of-the-year ARIYNBF where you all chatted about what you might like to be doing in five years. THAT was the shocker episode for me. On one hand I was impressed at how professional you all were in working towards attaining bigger dreams and aspirations. On the other hand I realized if some of those were to come true, I probably wouldn't be spending as much time with my new best friend(s). We all grow, and some of us leave the nest. I really struggled after that episode, happy for your big dreams and sad that our time might be coming to an end. When the bomb dropped after New Years, I was a bit confused but hoped everything was copacetic. I know everyone has their explanations and vantage points, and I appreciate wanting to set the record straight. You are totally justified in doing that, and I think you have. I hope it doesn't slow you down from going after all those great things you set out in the year-end show. I will keep listening to you and love that you're continuing the ARIYNBF. I'll be honest, Daniel is no Alison, but his intro is an amazing new addition. No one will hold a candle to you on the other show, ever, and I will cheer you on as long as you let me. Heyyy-heyyy-heyyy, … I-love-you.

  11. AndrewviaMR March 16, 2015 at 11:36 am #

    I know you decided to stop reading these, but still.

    The whole notion from the FE camp is cockamamie bullshit. The very idea that you were distancing yourself from somebody who is a professional distancer. Who really believes this shit?

    Here is game, set, match. If you have any Lynch stories and then date(s) you used the top ten list or whatever of the show.

    Next, be prepared for the “jeez, I'm over it, you should get over it” admission of guilt. The answer is “I'm over everything unless someone keeps making up stuff about me, then I'm not over that.”

  12. Dog's Day Out March 16, 2015 at 1:33 pm #

    Just want to tell you not to worry, Wendy will still be your “baby” even when the human baby comes! I am a dog trainer in Seattle and teach a class called Barks & Babes (… at Swedish Hospital here on how to prepare your dog for your new human baby. Let me know when you need some tips 🙂 Love your show!

  13. Dog's Day Out March 16, 2015 at 1:33 pm #

    Just want to tell you not to worry, Wendy will still be your “baby” even when the human baby comes! I am a dog trainer in Seattle and teach a class called Barks & Babes (… at Swedish Hospital here on how to prepare your dog for your new human baby. Let me know when you need some tips 🙂 Love your show!

  14. Dog's Day Out March 16, 2015 at 1:33 pm #

    Just want to tell you not to worry, Wendy will still be your “baby” even when the human baby comes! I am a dog trainer in Seattle and teach a class called Barks & Babes (… at Swedish Hospital here on how to prepare your dog for your new human baby. Let me know when you need some tips 🙂 Love your show!

  15. Anonnymous123 March 17, 2015 at 11:43 am #

    I frequent the Carolla boards and if you count them all up, it's really a small but vocal minority that “hate” you. It isn't near the amount of hate Teresa got! Whew, I felt so sorry for her at the time, there was SO much bashing, especially since bullies especially love to circle around someone like her who was already very emotionally fragile and prone to bursting into tears. Now SHE was not cut out to be on a show like his, where it's very much a “guy's world” with sarcastic humor and insults flying, un-PC jokes and the like. As I remember, when you tried out, you were the clear favorite among all the fans. You were able to keep with the boys, joke right on back, not sulk in the corner with your feelings hurt. Everyone liked that about you! Of course, like with anyone in the public eye, the tide turns eventually and some found things they didn't like about you, but it was the same with Bryan and Gary. And now that you've been let go, for some strange reason a few people are looking back as Teresa as having been a better “fit” and a more professional newsgirl. Really? Do they not remember the hate for her?? I still think you were the best fit as a female in that man's environment.

  16. Farmer John March 20, 2015 at 3:11 pm #

    Completely agree This is what I feel is Alison's strongest point. Short but really witty counters. Hate Yugo made me chuckle. Can't imagine she wont find some sort of writing / entertainment gig. Awesome voice. Real person. She has lots of charm. Daniel you hit a home run!

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp