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ARIYNBF 217 with Paul Gilmartin

Paul Gilmartin stops by this episode of Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend to talk about weird sex music, his excellent podcast The Mental Illness Happy Hour and what inspired him to start it, boundary issues, relationships, his relationship with his mom, getting sober, anger, depression, support groups and so much more. We also did a round of Just Me Or Everyone.

And guess what? The HGFY ringtone is now available!! Hooray! Search HEY GO FUCK YOURSELF in the itunes store!

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Credits? We have some!

Executive producer: Alison Rosen

Producer: Gary Smith

Music: Trapp Dog Tom Rapp

Logo: Kezilla

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And read Alison’s new column!

And  read this review of ARIYNBFand read this article about ARIYNBF and download the Alison guitar solo ringtoneand buy the live episode from podfest and watch this video too.


4 Responses to ARIYNBF 217 with Paul Gilmartin

  1. badabingo October 14, 2013 at 10:31 am #

    The Mental Illness Happy Hour is an EXCELLENT pod, right up there with ARIYNBF. For realz.

  2. badabingo October 14, 2013 at 11:14 am #

    When you guys were talking about not being attracted to “self help” personalities like Dr. Phil / Anthony Robbins / etc that really resonated with me. I believe this is because people who experience even a medium level of “more than average” of anxiety (and I believe anxiety and depression are the same thing, expressed in different ways) can smell inauthenticity like a fart in the car. Even a hint of fakery makes us hit the brakes.

    Also, instead of the “What other people think of me is none of my business” I like to think “If someone can’t or doesn’t want to tell me what they think of me, then I really don’t care to know. Even if they do, I don’t often care to know, either. FUCK EVERYONE” Okay, maybe not the last part, but you know what I mean?

    Something Brene Brown said on Oprah’s life class recently (I know, I know….but I do like Brene) is, “Unless you’re in the trenches, I’m not interested in your feedback” (or something like that). I think of it like this: unless someone knows me really well and has earned the place in my life where I can be safely vulnerable with them, I give zero fucks what they think of me. Fo shiz.

  3. badabingo October 14, 2013 at 6:31 pm #

    The Mental Illness Happy Hour is an EXCELLENT pod, right up there with ARIYNBF. For realz.

  4. badabingo October 14, 2013 at 7:14 pm #

    When you guys were talking about not being attracted to “self help” personalities like Dr. Phil / Anthony Robbins / etc that really resonated with me. I believe this is because people who experience even a medium level of “more than average” of anxiety (and I believe anxiety and depression are the same thing, expressed in different ways) can smell inauthenticity like a fart in the car. Even a hint of fakery makes us hit the brakes.

    Also, instead of the “What other people think of me is none of my business” I like to think “If someone can't or doesn't want to tell me what they think of me, then I really don't care to know. Even if they do, I don't often care to know, either. FUCK EVERYONE” Okay, maybe not the last part, but you know what I mean?

    Something Brene Brown said on Oprah's life class recently (I know, I know….but I do like Brene) is, “Unless you're in the trenches, I'm not interested in your feedback” (or something like that). I think of it like this: unless someone knows me really well and has earned the place in my life where I can be safely vulnerable with them, I give zero fucks what they think of me. Fo shiz.

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp