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Some stuff I did today

All sorts of stuff happened today and I’m going to tell you about it because that’s what I do: tell you about stuff.

I woke up while it was still dark to get ready for an audition this morning. We’re experiencing torrential downpours in Southern Ca and I knew I’d need extra time to worry about my hair and deal with traffic. The audition went well I think.

Then later in the day I took a bath even though I’d already showered this morning. See, here’s how it all went down: I was pretty sleepy and cold when I got back so I thought, “I know, I’ll take a bath, that will be relaxing and will warm me up!” and then I ran one and then by the time the bath had filled up I was pretty sure only assholes take baths and pretty sure I didn’t want to take it anymore and then I decided to at least give it a try and then I spent quite a bit of time thinking about how little kids take baths but adults take showers except what if kids live in a house without a tub? What then? And why are little kids averse to showers? Are they too sensitive for the stream of water? By this point the bath which I was in had lost most of its heat and I wasn’t loving it so I got out.

Now I’m decorating  a fake tree with real ornaments.

I’m pretty sure other exciting things happened today but I’m going to have to include those in part two of this exciting post.

UPDATE: I also had the following song (Christmas Cheer by Tom Rapp) stuck in my head most of the day which was fine by me. Here’s a fun little video Tom made from my last show. Come for the song, stay for me and Tobey!

And also? I just remembered that at one point today I was listening to the radio and found myself agreeing with something Dr. Laura Schlesinger was saying which resulted in some What The Fuckness plus soul-searching.


4 Responses to Some stuff I did today

  1. boinkity December 21, 2010 at 10:10 pm #

    Dr. Laura is a nut, but what is nuttier, is that if women actually did the things that she advised, there would be a lot less divorces in this country. There also would probably be a lot lot less marriages too. Not sure about if there would be less kids, because some people just make them without any thought to consequence.

  2. boinkity December 22, 2010 at 6:10 am #

    Dr. Laura is a nut, but what is nuttier, is that if women actually did the things that she advised, there would be a lot less divorces in this country. There also would probably be a lot lot less marriages too. Not sure about if there would be less kids, because some people just make them without any thought to consequence.

  3. TrappDog December 22, 2010 at 5:35 am #

    Thank you Alison!

  4. TrappDog December 22, 2010 at 1:35 pm #

    Thank you Alison!

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp