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4 Responses to NOODLES! THE GAME (An explanation)

  1. Joe February 10, 2010 at 4:18 am #

    Noodles sounds like a great party game! I started thinking of another version called Ramen Noodles. Every player starts with a big pile of cooked Ramen noodles and they take turns asking, “Guess what I’m thinking in regards to ducklings.” If I say the right answer “ducklings are cute,” they yell “Ramen Noodles!” and everyone gets to throw a handful of noodles at me. After everyone takes a turn, the person with the most noodles wins that round and they have to take off an article of clothing. The game continues until one person is totally naked — that’s your winner. At the end of the game everyone gets dressed and goes out for Chinese. Winner pays of course.

  2. Joe February 10, 2010 at 12:18 pm #

    Noodles sounds like a great party game! I started thinking of another version called Ramen Noodles. Every player starts with a big pile of cooked Ramen noodles and they take turns asking, “Guess what I'm thinking in regards to ducklings.” If I say the right answer “ducklings are cute,” they yell “Ramen Noodles!” and everyone gets to throw a handful of noodles at me. After everyone takes a turn, the person with the most noodles wins that round and they have to take off an article of clothing. The game continues until one person is totally naked — that's your winner. At the end of the game everyone gets dressed and goes out for Chinese. Winner pays of course.

  3. Ted_Goodlove February 10, 2010 at 10:04 am #

    I was thinking of Strip Noodles…every time you don’t get a question correctly, off goes an article of clothing! The Strip Noodles Del Conti is kind of like a lightening fast round.

  4. Ted_Goodlove February 10, 2010 at 6:04 pm #

    I was thinking of Strip Noodles…every time you don't get a question correctly, off goes an article of clothing! The Strip Noodles Del Conti is kind of like a lightening fast round.

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