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On the next Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend

Tomorrow, Wednesday, JAN 20 at 10pm EST/7pm PST

My pal Laura Leu will come over and give me an accordion lesson! Also, we’ll chat with comedian Liam McEneaney who’s hosting a benefit for Haiti on Jan 25 featuring Fred Armisen, Todd Barry, Janeane Garafalo, Kristin Schaal, Wyatt Cenac and other people whose names I don’t  have in front of me! Dammit why don’t I have their names in front of me? Someone is getting fired for this.

Not only that, Liam is all buddyroo with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, or so it seemed at the show I saw him host where I won a raffle. Remember that? I intend to find out if it was as exciting for Liam as it was for me. I suspect it was.

And also, we’ll be inaugurating a new segment where we call  up a fan. Yes, that’s right, the FIRST FAN PHONE CALL! OR perhaps that should be written PHIRST PHAN PHONE CALL! No, I’m sorry, it shouldn’t be written that way.

Anyway, RSVP here.

Oh and as a side note did you know I learned I draw as many viewers as Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show which is considered super awesome and a sign that one can have success doing internet chat shows? Why I’m not rolling around in sponsor dollars—or any dollars—is beyond me. Anyone know any sponsors? Send them my way please, lest I get evicted in the midst of a broadcast which would be super embarrassing!


30 Responses to On the next Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend

  1. Joe January 19, 2010 at 11:33 am #

    Sounds like another great show. Come on guys, let's do a wave!!


    OK, that wasn't bad. Come on T-Gel, climb down off that mountain and help out. T-Train are you with us?


    Better! Where are you Sausage Party? Jump in Tan-talizer!!


    Awesome!! But we'll need to put in even more practive time before A-Pop's show with Baby-C. Courtney is going to expect a lot more out of us!

  2. Ted_Goodlove January 19, 2010 at 11:53 am #

    I'm giving it all she's got captain….wait a minute where's my Viagra!

  3. sergio51 January 19, 2010 at 12:23 pm #

    Getting evicted during your ustream show, as you wrote above, would be embarrassing but certainly not funny. Losing your power, though, because you couldn't pay the light bill would be funny (and embarrassing too), since your laptop battery would kick in and we'd all get to share/witness that uncomfortable moment. But don't worry, if that happened then I'm sure all of your fans would unite and we'd figure out a way to text a $10 donation to you. Also, you'd probably be setting ustream history by being the first person to lose their power as a result of not paying their light bill during a ustream show.

    On a serious note, how are you selecting which person will be the “first fan phone call”? Raffle? It should seriously be someone from your long time, core group of fans (Joe, Ted, boinkity, et. al.).

  4. Joe January 19, 2010 at 11:33 am #

    Sounds like another great show. Come on guys, let’s do a wave!!


    OK, that wasn’t bad. Come on T-Gel, climb down off that mountain and help out. T-Train are you with us?


    Better! Where are you Sausage Party? Jump in Tan-talizer!!


    Awesome!! But we’ll need to put in even more practive time before A-Pop’s show with Baby-C. Courtney is going to expect a lot more out of us!

  5. Ted_Goodlove January 19, 2010 at 11:53 am #

    I’m giving it all she’s got captain….wait a minute where’s my Viagra!

  6. sergio51 January 19, 2010 at 12:23 pm #

    Getting evicted during your ustream show, as you wrote above, would be embarrassing but certainly not funny. Losing your power, though, because you couldn’t pay the light bill would be funny (and embarrassing too), since your laptop battery would kick in and we’d all get to share/witness that uncomfortable moment. But don’t worry, if that happened then I’m sure all of your fans would unite and we’d figure out a way to text a $10 donation to you. Also, you’d probably be setting ustream history by being the first person to lose their power as a result of not paying their light bill during a ustream show.

    On a serious note, how are you selecting which person will be the “first fan phone call”? Raffle? It should seriously be someone from your long time, core group of fans (Joe, Ted, boinkity, et. al.).

  7. TrappDog January 19, 2010 at 7:26 pm #

    Whoa… That wave thing is messin' me up. I thought someone spiked my coffee. This is going to be a show for the ages! Thrills! Adventure! Accordion! And the Phirst Phan Phone Call! I RSVP-ed already!

    Now Ted, don't be nervous and blow it by suddenly clamming up. Remember Joe got snubbed for this! But don't worry Joe, I'll bet you're next! The Phecond Phan Phone Call!!!!

  8. boinkity January 19, 2010 at 9:12 pm #

    Ha! I thought Ted typed “Where's my vagina!”


  9. TrappDog January 19, 2010 at 7:26 pm #

    Whoa… That wave thing is messin’ me up. I thought someone spiked my coffee. This is going to be a show for the ages! Thrills! Adventure! Accordion! And the Phirst Phan Phone Call! I RSVP-ed already!

    Now Ted, don’t be nervous and blow it by suddenly clamming up. Remember Joe got snubbed for this! But don’t worry Joe, I’ll bet you’re next! The Phecond Phan Phone Call!!!!

  10. boinkity January 19, 2010 at 9:12 pm #

    Ha! I thought Ted typed “Where’s my vagina!”


  11. TrappDog January 20, 2010 at 3:26 am #

    Whoa… That wave thing is messin' me up. I thought someone spiked my coffee. This is going to be a show for the ages! Thrills! Adventure! Accordion! And the Phirst Phan Phone Call! I RSVP-ed already!

    Now Ted, don't be nervous and blow it by suddenly clamming up. Remember Joe got snubbed for this! But don't worry Joe, I'll bet you're next! The Phecond Phan Phone Call!!!!

  12. boinkity January 20, 2010 at 5:12 am #

    Ha! I thought Ted typed “Where's my vagina!”


  13. Ted_Goodlove January 20, 2010 at 10:12 am #

    Nervous!?!?!!?…ummm, I’m more nervous now than a democratic candidate running for office.

  14. TrappDog January 20, 2010 at 11:25 am #

    Just distract yourself by considering the following. I was thinking how if I got a turn at being a phan phone call, that I would like it to be as difficult a ph pronunciation as possible. For example, being the phixth phan phone call would be good, but I also have my eye on the phwelth phan phone call. Then of course, there’s always the phwenty phecond phan phone call…

  15. Ted_Goodlove January 20, 2010 at 12:03 pm #

    I plan on just pretending everyone in the chat room and on screen are naked! Helps with public speaking…so I’ve heard.

  16. Ted_Goodlove January 20, 2010 at 6:12 pm #

    Nervous!?!?!!?…ummm, I'm more nervous now than a democratic candidate running for office.

  17. TrappDog January 20, 2010 at 7:25 pm #

    Just distract yourself by considering the following. I was thinking how if I got a turn at being a phan phone call, that I would like it to be as difficult a ph pronunciation as possible. For example, being the phixth phan phone call would be good, but I also have my eye on the phwelth phan phone call. Then of course, there's always the phwenty phecond phan phone call…

  18. Ted_Goodlove January 20, 2010 at 8:03 pm #

    I plan on just pretending everyone in the chat room and on screen are naked! Helps with public speaking…so I've heard.

  19. boinkity January 20, 2010 at 10:20 pm #

    Woah!! Teddy did a great job!! Way to Go Ted!!

  20. boinkity January 21, 2010 at 6:20 am #

    Woah!! Teddy did a great job!! Way to Go Ted!!

  21. Ted_Goodlove January 21, 2010 at 8:18 am #

    Thanks Boink…that was fun! I was totally thrown off guard at first….I didn’t realize the broadcast delay was so much. Alison is sitting there talking on the screen and then my phone rang. I was like who the heck is calling just before my big moment. So, I sounded somewhat startled at first. I couldn’t look at her on the screen because nothing matched up…so I missed all the chat comments. It was the pinnacle of being a RosenFan!

  22. boinkity January 21, 2010 at 8:34 am #

    Dude, your opening comments, when you gave shout outs to everyone…. you made me cry. I was so happy to be living vicariously through your big moment. The only thing that sucked was at the end of your interview, the chat went down, and I lost the video while trying to refresh the page. So I didn’t get to see you say goodbye to Alison. All I know is when I finally got back to Ustream, Alison was all sad, and talking about how times are tough, and she may be thinking about moving back to California if the money doesn’t start coming in. At first I thought you told her some sad story before you signed off, and you put her in a sad mood! I almost started to cry again!

  23. TrappDog January 21, 2010 at 10:02 am #

    That was a great show! And you did us all proud Ted! You’re going to be a tough act to follow! I wonder if the chat room freaked out because we all tried to respond at the same time? It was right when Alison asked Ted to choose the next guest!

    I will certainly wait my turn, so never mind me! Maybe you can put the true long-timer’s names in a hat and pick one that way? I’ll bet it was really nerve wracking waiting! Like waiting for your execution!

    Most importantly, we need to focus on our campaign to keep Alison in NY! Our mission is clear! Joe! Make a calendar! Mike! Start tazing people! Proto! Unleash the cat! Now is no time to be complacent!

  24. Ted_Goodlove January 21, 2010 at 10:54 am #

    I just watched the rest of the Ustream after I had left and now I see what you guys are talking about (politics, finances, relationships, chat room down, etc.). First off, I’m an optimist and believe everything will work out great for Alison…she does belong in New’s the media capital of the world. She is an entertainer, plain and simple.

    Here’s Ted’s perspective on life: First off, worry does nothing but stress you out and doesn’t accomplish anything (look back at past problems and you’ll see worry didn’t help you there either).

    I recommend everyone focus on three daily things; mind, body and soul.

    Mind: Never stop learning. In one sense it’s a back up in life. Take college classes, vocational training, learn to play an instrument, have hobbies (mine is Astronomy), etc. Money is NOT a measure of personal success. I don’t give a shit if I have 10 cents in the bank when I die. I want to come running in and slide into my grave yelling, “Holy crap that was a great ride!” When Alison is actually old (trust me 34 is a baby still), she will be telling some young kid that she was a successful television personality and had thousands of fans and she will have my motivational posters to back up her claims.

    Body: Whatever you have to do, every day, exercise for at least 30 minutes. Yeah, my diet sucked, but now I’m on the right track with that…so eat healthy too! 🙂

    Soul: Whatever your faith, have time for your creator….life isn’t fair but it is a beautiful thing and truly a gift. Make the most out of it!

    Last bit of advice….always listen to Ted B. Goodlove, he never lies!

  25. Ted_Goodlove January 21, 2010 at 4:18 pm #

    Thanks Boink…that was fun! I was totally thrown off guard at first….I didn't realize the broadcast delay was so much. Alison is sitting there talking on the screen and then my phone rang. I was like who the heck is calling just before my big moment. So, I sounded somewhat startled at first. I couldn't look at her on the screen because nothing matched up…so I missed all the chat comments. It was the pinnacle of being a RosenFan!

  26. boinkity January 21, 2010 at 4:34 pm #

    Dude, your opening comments, when you gave shout outs to everyone…. you made me cry. I was so happy to be living vicariously through your big moment. The only thing that sucked was at the end of your interview, the chat went down, and I lost the video while trying to refresh the page. So I didn't get to see you say goodbye to Alison. All I know is when I finally got back to Ustream, Alison was all sad, and talking about how times are tough, and she may be thinking about moving back to California if the money doesn't start coming in. At first I thought you told her some sad story before you signed off, and you put her in a sad mood! I almost started to cry again!

  27. TrappDog January 21, 2010 at 6:02 pm #

    That was a great show! And you did us all proud Ted! You're going to be a tough act to follow! I wonder if the chat room freaked out because we all tried to respond at the same time? It was right when Alison asked Ted to choose the next guest!

    I will certainly wait my turn, so never mind me! Maybe you can put the true long-timer's names in a hat and pick one that way? I'll bet it was really nerve wracking waiting! Like waiting for your execution!

    Most importantly, we need to focus on our campaign to keep Alison in NY! Our mission is clear! Joe! Make a calendar! Mike! Start tazing people! Proto! Unleash the cat! Now is no time to be complacent!

  28. Ted_Goodlove January 21, 2010 at 6:54 pm #

    I just watched the rest of the Ustream after I had left and now I see what you guys are talking about (politics, finances, relationships, chat room down, etc.). First off, I'm an optimist and believe everything will work out great for Alison…she does belong in New's the media capital of the world.

    Here's Ted's perspective on life: First off, worry does nothing but stress you out and doesn't accomplish anything (look back at past problems and you'll see worry didn't help you there either).

    I recommend everyone focus on three daily things; mind, body and soul.

    Mind: Never stop learning. In one sense it's a back up in life. Take college classes, vocational training, learn to play an instrument, have hobbies (mine is Astronomy), etc. Money is NOT a measure of personal success. I don't give a shit if I have 10 cents in the bank when I die. I want to come running in and slide into my grave yelling, “Holy crap that was a great ride!” When Alison is actually old (trust me 34 is a baby still), she will be telling some young kid that she was a successful television personality and had thousands of fans and she will have my motivational posters to back up her claims.

    Body: Whatever you have to do, every day, exercise for at least 30 minutes. Yeah, my diet sucked, but now I'm on the right track with that…so eat healthy too! 🙂

    Soul: Whatever your faith, have time for your creator….life isn't fair but it is a beautiful thing and truly a gift. Make the most out of it!

    Last bit of advice….always listen to Ted B. Goodlove, he never lies!

  29. boinkity January 22, 2010 at 1:20 am #

    OMG… I’m crying again!!! Stop dat!

  30. boinkity January 22, 2010 at 9:20 am #

    OMG… I'm crying again!!! Stop dat!

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp