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8 Responses to About that quiz I took on the radio last night

  1. Joe December 28, 2009 at 8:05 am #

    I listened to it this morning! It was fun, although Bill gave you too hard a time about naming things. I like the new name for the Ustream show, “Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend”. Can we abbreviate it to ARIYNBF?

    I didn't do very well on Bill's quiz, but I figured more people are probably injured by vending machines than sharks every year. Shark attacks are pretty rare, but idiots are always trying to break into vending machines.

    Have a good flight back, Alison! Keep an eye out for people trying to light their pants on fire.

    Did everybody see that Lauren Sivan has left Fox News? She announced it on Twitter this morning. I wonder what she's going to do next.

  2. Joe December 28, 2009 at 8:05 am #

    I listened to it this morning! It was fun, although Bill gave you too hard a time about naming things. I like the new name for the Ustream show, “Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend”. Can we abbreviate it to ARIYNBF?

    I didn’t do very well on Bill’s quiz, but I figured more people are probably injured by vending machines than sharks every year. Shark attacks are pretty rare, but idiots are always trying to break into vending machines.

    Have a good flight back, Alison! Keep an eye out for people trying to light their pants on fire.

    Did everybody see that Lauren Sivan has left Fox News? She announced it on Twitter this morning. I wonder what she’s going to do next.

  3. Jefferson December 28, 2009 at 10:40 pm #

    I feel bad. We haven't named the phone yet. 🙁

  4. Ted_Goodlove December 29, 2009 at 1:27 am #

    I got every question right on that quiz….but I guessed on the Lily Tomlin one! I'm just smart I guess, plus that one year at the beach when a coke machine fell from the sky and landed on my legs while sun tanning….a horrible accident…didn't get much press in your area I take it!

    Clever new name for the show!

  5. Jefferson December 28, 2009 at 10:40 pm #

    I feel bad. We haven’t named the phone yet. 🙁

  6. Ted_Goodlove December 29, 2009 at 1:27 am #

    I got every question right on that quiz….but I guessed on the Lily Tomlin one! I’m just smart I guess, plus that one year at the beach when a coke machine fell from the sky and landed on my legs while sun tanning….a horrible accident…didn’t get much press in your area I take it!

    Clever new name for the show!

  7. Jefferson December 29, 2009 at 6:40 am #

    I feel bad. We haven't named the phone yet. 🙁

  8. Ted_Goodlove December 29, 2009 at 9:27 am #

    I got every question right on that quiz….but I guessed on the Lily Tomlin one! I'm just smart I guess, plus that one year at the beach when a coke machine fell from the sky and landed on my legs while sun tanning….a horrible accident…didn't get much press in your area I take it!

    Clever new name for the show!

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