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St. Louis is trying to outdo me!

Remember when I went on the radio in St. Louis last week? Well the host, Bill Clevlen, has decided to start video blogging a la ME and not only that, apparently he’s decided to one-up me. Read about it here and watch his awesome video below.


0 Responses to St. Louis is trying to outdo me!

  1. Kurtis February 8, 2009 at 9:19 pm #

    there is no outdoing you. this video is very shaky and causes intense sea sickness.

  2. Toddrod February 8, 2009 at 9:28 pm #

    Alison is inspiring other people to be just like her! Next thing you know, he’s gonna blog about a toolbox he bought, but then discuss the buyer’s remorse he has because the toolbox is red instead of some other color that matches his car better.


  3. Michael February 8, 2009 at 10:01 pm #

    Anybody who thinks this video is “very shaky and causes intense sea sickness” in relation to yours hasn’t actually seen yours.

  4. Prototype February 8, 2009 at 11:02 pm #

    I’m curious as to what must be going through your mind right now, Alison. So how does it feel to have influenced a radio host? You must feel proud of yourself right now, as Bill obviously has fallen for you and liked you enough to follow in your footsteps. Obviously you’re still in his mind since the interview, and even before that. Now you got him doing his first vlog, mentioning your name in it, dedicating it to you, and signing up for Twitter. Oh the power of Alison Rosen!

    Although I must say, that was kind of a lowblow. Dissin’ on your apartment and your audience like that. But of course, it’s no contest. Hell, he’s already following you, so that’s gotta be automatic DQ. But yeah, we got your back, Alison. You got some of the originals, newcomers, and of course, the All-American Canadian.

  5. Joe February 9, 2009 at 5:38 am #

    That was funny. I thought Bill was in his house until he turned around.

  6. Ted from Accounting February 10, 2009 at 1:36 am #

    Dude that was hilarious! I swear I’ve seen that guy as a cruise ship act before!

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