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The frizz was unspeakable

On New Year’s day I woke up really wanting to go to the DMV, bank and post office, but since it was a national holiday we opted instead to go to the beach and walk around.

We went down to the peninsula and it was really overcast, which I like, even if it’s murder on my hair. MURDER I tell you. Here are some photos.

It was so gray and foggy that it reminded me of The Rescuers


0 Responses to The frizz was unspeakable

  1. Ted from Accounting January 4, 2009 at 11:03 pm #

    I freakin loved the Rescuers when I was a kid! Well, I’m still kind of a kid but…

  2. Prototype January 4, 2009 at 11:12 pm #

    That looks like you went really early in the morning (like 7 AM am I right?). Yeah, New Year’s was really foggy. I was out in Westwood celebrating and drinking, and then by 3:30 AM I drove back and it was so foggy on the 405 and 105 that even with my HID lights on, I couldn’t see more than 20 ft. ahead of me while driving. Then to my surprise, it was actually worst once I got off the freeway as I was dropping off my friend back in Norwalk. Even for a guy with 20/10 vision, I must admit that I wasn’t able to see that well. Although I was really tempted to hit my NoS button…

    How did you celebrate?

  3. Toddrod January 5, 2009 at 1:44 am #

    Yosemite was awesome! It was my first time there in the winter time and there was a lot of snow in the valley. The coolest thing was that the water falls formed piles of ice as they hit the side of the granite walls. It was really beautiful. It’s also difficult to go to the low/un-heated bathrooms to take care of business. Brrr!


  4. Joe January 5, 2009 at 5:08 am #

    Yep, there’s nothing like the DMV on New Years Day! But then again practically ANY day at the DMV is pure joy.

    And by pure joy I mean a big friggin’ pain in the butt.

    BEEEEEE-U-T-FULL pictures, Miss R! Sometimes I get homesick for California… even though I’m from Connecticut.

  5. :-D Shea January 5, 2009 at 9:00 pm #

    “We”? Did you have one of the Rescuers with you? Just wondering.

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