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Tobey, bricks, Top Shaman

Wendy and I put up a new post today. Perhaps you’ve already read it. If you haven’t, head over there to take in my inability to speak my mind over very small things involving people I don’t know that well. Fun! Other things going on? Well I haven’t received my daily Tobey update so I don’t know if he’s still trying to eat bricks, which is not a euphemism for eating his euphemistic Tobeys, but apparently he was actually trying to eat bricks yesterday. Naturally, I think this is cute (from 3000 miles away). So mom, if you’re reading this: Tobey update and photos and video, please! Tobey should have his own blog, really.

Also, a whole lot of stuff gets said during the commercial breaks while filming Red Eye and I always think I should remember it so I can repeat it here and note the way you probably had to be there. Last night I told Dr. Baden I’d enjoyed a nutritive enema* during the break and then I resumed my original seat (I’d vacated the seat so he could sit there during his segment). While waiting for filming to begin again Bill said something about someone being a showman. Greg said “and a shaman!” right as I said roughly the same thing. Bill looked disgusted and I have to admit I also had that sinking feeling that comes when two great minds produce less than one joke. Or maybe it was that I then mentioned Jim Morrison. Then Greg started joking about Top Shaman and also talking about Top Ramen and I said something about prophetic noodles.

*it was something he’d talked about in his segment, not something I enjoyed during the break


0 Responses to Tobey, bricks, Top Shaman

  1. Anonymous January 16, 2008 at 1:25 am #

    Quote of the day:

    “Oogy Oogy Aga Aga Uka Uka

    Looka Looka…..”

    —-As said by TOM CRUISE in his most talked about video clip

  2. Ted from Accounting January 16, 2008 at 1:59 am #

    I’m giving you two teasers because you are so smart and these are so easy:

    1. Why is it against the law for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?

    2. There was an airplane crash, every single person died, but two people survived. How is this possible?

  3. joe January 16, 2008 at 7:25 am #

    Speaking of shamen…

    Does anybody have an idea how this was done?

    I’m not sure I would read a Tobey-blog. He has some very unusual gastronomic habits :o)

  4. Anonymous January 16, 2008 at 10:07 am #

    Honey, I’m home. teehee. Well, I may be a day late and a dollar short, but patience is one of my better virtues, unless of course I’m feeling edgy. I’m happy to report that I did watch you on Red Eye Mon. night. Hands down, that was one of the best shows I’ve seen thus far. It was a real treat to see you in studio. I like the way you had your hair fixed, and also I noticed the curve ball you threw with your lip gloss. I like it when people mix it up. I thought you were cleverly funny, as well as all the other guests. Not only was everyone funny, but brilliant at the same time. I enjoyed the Doc’s segment as well. (Although when he came on, my first initial reaction was, “Where did Ali go?”) I had forgotten that sometimes people are interchanged to allow for different segments. I like how the Doc can take some gentle silliness. I have respect for people who are willing to deal with doom and gloom in their field, and still have a sense of humor.


  5. Ted from Accounting January 16, 2008 at 2:30 pm #

    Where is everyone today? No posts?

    Here are the brain teasers I submitted last night but didn’t get posted or approved (did they suck that bad?)

    Why is it against the law for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?

    Answer: Because he is still living!

    There was an airplane crash, every single person died, but two people survived. How is this possible?

    Answer: They were married!


    An aspiring writer could could actually combine the A&W retired sayings + robutt and dunkey into a gross yet funny skit. Do you guys have real conversations like this? LOL

  6. Anonymous January 16, 2008 at 3:21 pm #

    Oh how silly of me. I forgot to write my little home state shout out.
    La. (home of crawfish, not only is this a delicacy, it’s often used by people to refer when someone starts backtracking. You know, cause crawfish walk backwards.) Aren’t some words fun? A couple of words I don’t necessarily like are, methodical, and running. Don’t ask me why. Now I need to go mince some onions to go with dinner. (I hate onions, they make me cry.)

    La. *see above.

  7. Ted from Accounting January 16, 2008 at 11:32 pm #

    Brain Tease:

    What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a second?

  8. alison January 16, 2008 at 11:35 pm #

    the letter “M”?

  9. Ted from Accounting January 16, 2008 at 11:40 pm #

    That one was apparently to easy…Try this on for size:

    A woman pushing her car stopped outside a hotel and immediately went bankrupt. Explain

  10. Anonymous January 17, 2008 at 7:31 am #

    I have somewhat of a feel-good story. I saw this commercial I think was last week. It just now came back to mind. Anyhoo, it was a commercial about carpet steam cleaning. I’m quite certain its just a local co. not international. But it showed this dog, golden retriever I think, dragging it’s bum across the carpet, and the woman shouts, “Tobey stop doing that.” It cracked me up. I promise this is a true story, you can’t make this kind of thing up. I just thought it was neat. I love neat.

    La. (home of silly commercials.)

  11. Anonymous January 17, 2008 at 7:52 am #

    Nice one Ted, I know the answer but I’ll give others a……….okay okay you got me, I can’t say that with a straight face. That one is hard. It’s gonna eat me up. Don’t think I won’t go away thinking about it…

    It’s real early in the morning for me, but already I got a song stuck in my head. I saw the video for the first time yesterday. titled “Yaaaaaah” from Soldier Boy. I may be wrong, but this thing might just sweep the nation. You heard it here first.

    La. (home.)

  12. Anonymous January 17, 2008 at 10:05 am #

    Well, I’m gonna take a stab at this. I may look foolish, but I think it’s a monopoly reference. I’ve thought about it from last post until now. *crossing fingers.*


    P.S. you have my word as a gentleman, I didn’t look this up on the net.

  13. Anonymous January 17, 2008 at 10:54 am #

    Speaking of off the wall things. This isn’t funny or anything just one of those things that make you go hmmmmmm. Like every city in the U.S., we have local news channels, which I rarely watch, but what is interesting is, the local N.B.C and the local F.O.X. channel share the same news anchors. They also refer to themselves as “sister” stations. Which isn’t strange in and of itself, but, I’m a big O guy, (O’reilly), and he’s usually talking about the N.B.C network being well, let’s just say it isn’t one of his fav’s. How confusing.


  14. Anonymous January 17, 2008 at 11:28 am #

    As an Alison pseudo campaign worker/volunteer, I am reminding everybody to write in to and express how much you love having Ali on not only the “movie” segment, but on all types of segments. Some of you that have other blogs you like to visit that may, or may not pertain to this blog, use your influential power there. Every letter counts. If you don’t do this, I’ll call your house during dinner time and harrass you. (Of course I’m kidding.) Vote for Alison!! yeahhhhh ulrouiiiiit!! (that was a tribute to Mr.Walburton on Family Guy.) He rules!


  15. Ted from Accounting January 17, 2008 at 12:38 pm #

    I see The Force is strong with these two…Good Job Alison and Michael!

    M was correct


    The woman is playing Monopoly and using the car as her game piece

    I’m just training you guys up for the stickiest of the icky!

    Must get here
    Must get here
    Must get here

  16. Anonymous January 17, 2008 at 1:26 pm #

    Kewl beans.<--------yes, I said that. I got it right! I got it right!. This makes me happy. Keep bringin' em'. Michael.

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