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This morning's segment

was interesting because the hair woman handed me this plastic face-sized shield to hold over my face while she sprayed my hair. It was innovative. Also kind of science-fictiony. As for the actual segment, I asked a couple people who work there how they thought it went and it turned out neither of them had watched because “you’re a seasoned pro.” “That’s right,” I said, sprinkling myself with oregano and stuffing bay leaves in my shoes.

Here’s the link to the segment. It’s shot from my worse side, by the way. I feel like I’m becoming asymmetrical. On a scale of Ellen Barkin to Picasso, I’m Alison Rosen.


0 Responses to This morning's segment

  1. Anonymous December 3, 2007 at 2:12 pm #

    You’re so humble Ali. Just one time I wish a hot chick would say,”Yeah, that’s right, I do realize I’m hot, but I never get tired of hearing it.” At least that’s what I say to people when they comment on my good looks. Except leave out the chick part. I’m a dude. Anyway, good segment! It was enjoyable.


  2. Anonymous December 3, 2007 at 5:29 pm #

    Isn’t the dollar menu at McDonald’s a life saver? Where else can you go and have a well balanced meal for under 5$? Yes, I’m lovin’ it. I should get paid for my endorsement. I did promise myself to do some cardio tomorrow, but that’s always subject to change. That is all for now.

    Michael. “The numba 1 stunna!”. I always wanted to say that.

  3. Anonymous December 3, 2007 at 5:59 pm #

    Just curious, did my other comments on the previous thread not make the cut? I thought they were acceptable.


  4. Anonymous December 3, 2007 at 6:20 pm #

    Thank you dear. You’re a sweetheart!!

  5. Anonymous December 3, 2007 at 7:01 pm #

    Quote of the day:

    “Hey Alison , I know there are lots of events occuring this week in New York and your excited to attend each one of them and you are an editer but not a software engineering pundit. Yet I’m going to ask you to work overtime throughout the week to get those TPS reports done A.S.A.P. Oh, oh, and I almost forgot. Ahh, I’m also gonna need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too….”

    –Bill “Your Boss” Lumbergh

  6. Eddie December 3, 2007 at 11:53 pm #

    I, as always am a fan, but I am wondering if you could analyze your body language during this segment. It looked at the end like you were sending death darts towards one of the hosts. Not sure, but just a thought. I didn’t get a chance to comment earlier because I just got back in town and didn’t have my tivo, but I enjoyed your Red Eye appearance as usual. Your blog is the highlight of my week, I know, I know. Butter your toast.

  7. Anonymous December 4, 2007 at 6:49 pm #

    It’s nice to see someone so genuine in a format where that quality is sorely lacking.
    (No offence to the bubbleheaded anchors) (Ok maybe a little).
    I think you looked nice! Of course that fact that you think you looked asymmetrical makes you all the more appealing. (Smiley face)
    If this were the movie Vertigo and if I were Jimmy Stewart and you were Kim Novak I would beseech you to wear your hair up and say, “It can’t matter to you.” (That line got an unintentional laugh at the last screening I went to).
    But it’s the internet and I’m just some dude. (Hair is an underrated feature—-black hair with a nice texture like yours is verrrry attractive). (Stopping swooning now).
    Red Eye-tonight! Cool—I need some happy very very badly (I am hearing this last part in Will Farrell’s voice)!
    Thanks in advance,
    Chris M.
    Kansas City

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