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0 Responses to Petty criticisms

  1. Anonymous December 6, 2007 at 11:20 am #

    Ruh Roh, I just got pegged. lol. A couple of posts ago I was ranting about the passive aggressive girls on The Real World. Does this somehow relieve me of the criticism since I pointed this out myself?…..No, I didn’t think so.


  2. Anonymous December 6, 2007 at 11:59 am #

    I posted a comment on the link, but I’ll post it here as well.
    What bugs me is when you are at an A.A. meeting and someone introduces themselves saying, “I am so and so and I’m an alchoholic. I’ve been clean for 12 years.” Dude! you’re no longer and Alchy. You’re just creepy!

    Another one is this:
    I for one know first hand that people misspell words all the time while typing on the net. However, there is no excuse for getting “your” and “you’re” confused. Your is ownership.You’re is You are. This irritates the shit out of me. But not as badly as you might think!


  3. zuzz December 6, 2007 at 12:22 pm #

    Thanks for not adding me on MySpace. lol.

  4. Anonymous December 6, 2007 at 12:25 pm #

    Okay, one more. What erks me is that the kids these days wear these superlong pants and rip the bottoms by the seams. Then they walk around oblivious to the fact that their jeans look filthy. They become so stained because people walk all over the bottoms with theirs shoes, and they don’t even dodge mud puddles. Call me old fashioned, but I don’t want to be accused of wearing filthy ass clothing! See Alison? you just opened up Pandora’s box. I need to go chill now. I’ve suddenly become manic! HA!


  5. Anonymous December 6, 2007 at 12:51 pm #

    Okay, so I lied. Just one more. Keep in mind I’m watching The O.C. right now. Why in the world would you name someone Seth? I would hate to have to actually address someone by this name because you seem like you have a lisp. Don’t believe me? Say Seth about 4 times in a row. Just imagine if someone did have a lisp and they said this. Just writing this gives me chills up my back. It’s just as bad as someone raking their nails along a chalkboard.


    P.S. I now agree with Greg Gutfeld on how the people on the O.C. hardly make an effort while talking. They would make good Vantrilllaaahowever you spell it.

  6. Ted December 6, 2007 at 12:53 pm #

    Hey Michael, After our last debacle, I don’t think we should associate in the blog anymore…if you see me in here just walk the other way! Maybe she won’t notice us. 🙂 J/K

    Hello, my name is Ted and I’m guilty of incorrectly using literally in this blog…I’m sure if I said, “Alison Rosen is literally the hottest person in print and news commentary” that she would still approve that comment. I bet she looses her “literal lunch” after reading some of my word usage and abbreviations. Think of me as the Badly Behaving Bastard Child of this Blog or BBBCB for short!

    One itty bitty little suggestion and I hope you take this the right way (as a woman of POWER, I’m sure you won’t): That picture of you next to the title…Would you consider changing it? There are so many great screen pics of you in these posts that I keep hoping you would switch. That one is great but as your blog publicist, I would advise that change can be good!

    I ran across a great quote the other day, “I have my feet firmly planted on this cloud!”

    Have a great day!

  7. Anonymous December 6, 2007 at 2:13 pm #

    You know, I’ve been told I have a dry sense of humor. If that is the case, what is a wet sense of humor?

    Michael. “the egotistical maniac,glory hound.” *wink*.

  8. Anonymous December 6, 2007 at 9:57 pm #

    I’m with you on this. I even posted a comment about one of the several things that tick me off.


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