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Death and things

The thing about death that gets me is the things and the way the things remain unchanged. I’ve written about my relationship to stuff and death in various places, maybe I’ll try to link if I have the energy, but basically it’s walking into the person’s apartment and seeing all their stuff there, specifically the stuff at the end of their life, the medicine bottles, the two pairs of glasses, the box of latex gloves for I don’t know what, the sticker with hospice and a phone number in giant letters stuck on the phone, the magazines that arrived after she died and the chair she used to sit in, that makes me tear up. It’s the more prosaic aspects of death that make it crushingly real.

I don’t mean to make this a blog about death, and I promise I”ll lighten it up soon.

Speaking of, I’m tired of funny people who disavow jokes. I get it, you’re a comedian. You’re deep and you do “bits” and your humor is “observational” and culled from “reality.” Me? I like jokes. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go bum myself out.


0 Responses to Death and things

  1. Anonymous November 19, 2007 at 10:48 pm #

    The blog is you. You’re a person. A person has feelings. This reflects your feelings. You don’t have to promise anything, to me at least. I feel honored that you’d share this.
    Apologies for jokes or feelings are kind of odd to me. Where has society gone when everybody has to run around saying sorry all the time? All in The Family would never get on the air today. Don Rickles would have had no career, Jerry Lewis apologiged. When does it end.
    You’ll be back to you on your time. I’ll be here. As I’m sure your other readers will be too. Take care.


  2. Eddie November 20, 2007 at 12:03 am #

    I know that I do not know you but through here and did not know your grandmother, but I am still sorry about yours and your family’s loss. I think we can all relate to the loss of a loved one, and the things that we take from that experience. For you it is seeing the things in her home that bring back memories, and for me it was that last conversation. I hope that things get easier for you as I am sure they will. Take care, and butter your toast.

  3. Ted just Ted this time November 20, 2007 at 1:07 am #

    A few years ago, I lost my 5 year old daughter to an illness. I don’t think that time heals wounds but it does lessen the pain some. It was surreal to read your post. I’ve never actually written on a blog before but I realize this one is rather becoming on me. I don’t pretend to have any grand consolations to give. I do look forward when your spirits are uplifted again. See, your God given talent to write puts smiles on other’s faces! 🙂

  4. Kimberly Flynn November 20, 2007 at 12:01 pm #

    Death SUCKS and there is really no better way to put it. No matter what your faith or where you believe that person is now – it’s those left behind that feel the loss. Believe me Alison, we don’t only want to read what you have to say when you have something hilarious to say – that would make us fair weather blog friends which we are not. 🙂 Occasionally real life hits – and when it does it can hit pretty hard. My Nana is 98 and she has recently had some problems, so your blog about your grandmother hits close to home for me. Thinking about you and your family.

  5. Anonymous November 20, 2007 at 4:58 pm #

    Being able to accept constructive criticism and make changes is also a great quality.

    Wish you well.


  6. Anonymous November 21, 2007 at 12:05 am #

    Your ability to be a smartass is equaled by the size of your heart!
    I wish I could cheer you up to repay all the times you’ve cheered me up.
    There’s no un-cheesy way to say it: I was moved by the “personal effects” article.
    I hope you become unbummed over the holiday weekend. Needless to say, bummed or unbummed—-I am interested in what you have to say!:)
    Chris M.

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