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Archive | vlogs

Name my daily vlog

So I just interviewed my dad on speaker phone for the first installment of my daily vlog. But what should I be calling these daily bits of magic? The Rosen Show? Alison’s Daily Vlog? Something else? Let me know if you have any suggestions and then we can all vote on them or something fun like that!

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Perhaps you'll be able to love me on a daily basis

Attention folks: I think I might try to do a vlog every day for a little while to see what happens. If I were smart I’d just do a vlog every day and  not announce it ahead of time since there’s a very real chance that I will get abducted by a roving pack of feral goldendoodles and won’t ever get around to this daily vlog thing since I’ll be living by my wits and won’t have a pot to piss in or two pennies to rub together and I’ll  have to use my cunning and my resemblance to a goldendoodle to get by. I hardly look like a goldendoodle either, which I don’t mean in a way like: hey, look at me, I’m too beautiful to be half poodle, I just mean my hair is neither golden nor doodley.

So yeah, it’s potentially going to get a lot more me-filled around these parts. Just thought you should know and celebrate accordingly.

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Alison wants to adopt a dog; Dustin can't tell the difference between women and antelope

Look you guys: a video! This is from a few weeks ago. Dustin and I went to a comedy show and then got dinner and then felt like we should be vlogging since it was Sunday (God’s vlog day) and so we turned on the camera. And then I just left this footage on my camera while I went on my merry way, being merry and patting gnomes on the head and sewing dresses out of curtains while little birds helped by holding up the excess of fabric and cutting the thread with their beaks. Perhaps you are wondering why there’s so much laughter at the beginning? That’s because Dustin was going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about something Important To Him and then I responded by talking about puppies which he took to mean I hadn’t been listening but au contraire, Dustin! Ye of little faith! And if you enjoy this, hang on to you your hat because there’s another one coming wherein I almost sneeze. Truly! Look for that in the next couple days (I’m being realistic about my un-awesomeness.)

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Anna and I got it on in the backseat of a car!

Okay fine, by “it” I just mean the camera. We turned a camera on in the backseat of the car after Red Eye. What a cheap tease that was. Anyway, look! A video featuring Anna and me! Yay! Also, I was looking at Anna’s blog and do you guys want your own tags? Is that what I’m hearing? Is that the dealio? Is that the scuttlebutt? The news? The 411? The word on the street? The story? The guff? The, uh, er… I’m running out of terms… I feel like there are some funny ones I’m missing. Crap! Tags?

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp