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Archive | photos from TV

Some shots from Friday's Red Eye

Here I am in the green room just being all ravishing and stuff.

And then here I am in the newsroom where I was seated for the first couple blocks of the show.
“Blocks,” that’s real TV talk. Did I lose you? No? Let me try harder: camera. top of the show. makeup. um… lights… uh… er… um… wait, come back in a few minutes. I need to think more about this.

Still in the newsroom.

Yep, newsroom.


And then I came into the studio and made this face.

And then apparently I laughed so hard my left eyeball popped out.

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More photos from Red Eye last night

Here’s where I made this thoughtful face.

And then here’s where I smiled in a way that looks nothing like me to me.

And then here’s where I said I tested positive for Stockholm Syndrome but had gone on to lead a rich and rewarding life. (The truth is that I had to get a mole removed but Stockholm Syndrome was the only thing insurance would cover!)

And then here’s where I said something else.

And then something else. Not sure what but pretty sure it was brilliant.

And then here’s where I was about to say something amazing.

And then here’s where I said something that made everyone start clapping and crying.

And then here’s where I ate my upper lip.

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a couple green room shots

“We look like bobble head dolls,” said Josh. Well, maybe he actually only said he did but I do too here. I didn’t realize I had the bobble head filter on. Also, this is the same green room as Geraldo uses. Did I mention I was on Geraldo? A bunch of times? (Not on the show a bunch of times, but mention it a bunch of times?). Why just tonight when Patty Ann Browne asked what I did for the Oscars, I said: “Geraldo!” Then I puffed up in a self-important fashion while Greg made an off-color joke. Also of note is the way this green room’s walls are actually green. How clichĂ©.

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Every photo I've uploaded to this blog

So evidently every photo I’ve ever uploaded to this blog is available in a photo album. I’m trying to figure out where to put this permanently on the blog. You know, trying to figure out what kind of blog real estate to give it. The real estate market is at an all time low though, so I’m thinking I might give it five row houses and a storefront. I’ll likely give it the worst set of five row houses plus storefront on the best block, as opposed to the alternative, because I hear that’s what you’re supposed to do.

Oh and by the way the breakdown is roughly:

photos of me from TV: buttloads!
photos of animals: not saying there aren’t any
photos of ducklings specifically: totes
photos of me playing guitar thus proving I was in a band. Hey, did I mention I was in a band: a goodly number
photos of the beach: a smattering

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Annotated pics from The Strategy Room

Before PrototypeDemo abandoned my Twitter for Andy Levy’s, which still smarts, by the way, he posted a bunch of Strategy Room screen grabs to The Activity Pit. I’ve chosen a select few to comment on.

In the above photo two things are worth noting. 1) I’m a Page Six Magazine contributing editor which is different than a Page Six contributor. I tried to explain the difference on air. Once more: Page Six Magazine is a glossy weekly magazine which examines NYC lifestyle, culture and more and comes free in Sunday’s New York Post. Page Six is a daily gossip column. 2) My eyes are up here.

And then here’s where I measured the desk.

Then I adjusted my hair.

Then I was all “Oh yeah, wrestler who sells energy drinks? You wanna spar? I will cardio kickbox all over your ass! Bring it!”

And then I was like, “Whoa, whoa whoa whoa. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wow whoa whoa.” Then I asked readers to spot the wow in the preceding string of whoas. Also: whoa is me!

Then I got drunk.

Then I saw a patch of gnomes off to the right. They were frolicking and carrying marshmallows to and fro. I wanted to join them because they looked so happy. But would I, a full size human, be accepted into their tiny world? The thoughts weighed heavy on me.

Then I got up and left.

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A slew of photos

Here I am with the imaginary father of my imaginary children, Joshua McCarroll, Red Eye wunderkind and McConaughey correspondent. We’re in the green room, wearing green. Well, one of us was. By the way, McConaughey is kind of impossible to spell.

Here I am doing The Strategy Room earlier today. I totally came up with the best strategy. I’d tell you, but it’s a secret.

Here I am smiling, probably at something I said.

Here I am cocking my head because I heard a high pitched noise or smelled a piece of kibble.

This is me on Red Eye last night shortly before Greg called me out for not answering the specific question he asked. What you didn’t hear in the commercial break? Me saying “How dare you call me out for not answering the question! Not answering the question is the backbone of this show!”

And then here’s where I explained that I don’t think smart pills actually make you smart. I think they make you annoying.

And then here I am making this face.

Oh look, it’s the beach (I had to get these off my camera. They’re from my recent trip of OC for Thanksgiving).

Another beach shot.

Another beach shot. Lovely, isn’t it?

And then here’s a couch I saw today at Raymour & Flanigan. This one’s four hundred and something dollars cheaper than the one sitting in my apartment right now but which I could return. Should I return the one in my apartment and get this one instead? It’s entirely polyester/synthetic/foam whereas there are actual feathers/down in the one in my apartment. Hm. It seemed comfortable though.

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I'm on Red Eye on Monday

What?! Monday night?!

I’m on Red Eye on Monday and I’m on the couch today. The gray couch. Or the brown couch. Apparently everyone else thinks it’s brown but it looks gray to me. I don’t know why this is but it frustrates me. I like to see things clearly. For example, I’d rather see a couch I like when I look at it.

But that wasn’t my point, not at all. My point was that I’ll be on Red Eye on Monday night/Tues morning and even though it’s written on the right side of this page where I have my upcoming appearances I wanted to make a special post about it because the date has jumped around a bit since I was traveling and pinning me down was hard to do. “Don’t pin me down!” I yelled as they began attacking me with bobby pins.

In other news, I’ve become quite a fan of the show M.A.S.H. and I’ve developed a crush on early Alan Alda.

When I was six I had a crush on Oliver-era Jack Wild.

I’m given to anachronistic crushes, the kind where when you see what the person looks like now you shudder.

But I’d never liked M.A.S.H. because I associated it with things which are hot and dusty and depressing but then I was watching some episodes to prepare for Switch (the topic was TV doctors) and lo and behold, I actually really like the show. Maybe I only like the early episodes though before it got all heavy handed and depressing and dusty and hot. You know?

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp