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Archive | old ARIYNBF

Matt Costa plays "It's a Sin" on ARIYNBF

Not only does he play a song on this short excerpt from my show but he also shows off some mad kazoo skillz and agrees to keep playing songs on my show till he drops dead. I appreciate that level of commitment. In other news I’m making a ton of little videos from this episode. My blog is so Matt Costa-y right now.

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Matt Costa on Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend, Part 2

On Part 2 of the last hour of the episode of ARIYNBF featuring Matt Costa we looked through his box and he let me manhandle all his junk which was only fair because he manhandled the fan phone call numbers in Part 1. I mean really, it’s like the guy never pulled numbers out of a tea kettle before! Also he played more songs including ones which may have names like: “It’s a Sin,” “Whiskey and Wine,” “Good Old Black Magic,” “Miracle Drug.”

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Matt Costa on Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend, Part 1

Matt Costa appeared on the last episode of ARIYNBF and it was awesome and he was early and he played a zillion songs and was delightful and at one point he even played the piano and I dragged the camera over the the piano and then he and Yami and I sat on the piano bench and shared tales of I don’t even know what and I kept joking that I was going to make him play till he dropped dead and he kept saying he didn’t mind and then after the show my dad and he jammed a little on trumpet and guitar which made me wish I was still streaming and then afterwards I went to find the episode and lo and behold only the last hour recorded. Did I cry? No, I’m not some marshmallow, however I think tears would have been in order. I’m still fairly bereft. Is that the right word? Part of this whole being-in-CA-because-of-anonymous-Marvin-situation involves me forgetting words which is a shame since I’m a word person. I’m also a True Blood person now. If you should see me in the next few days I will probably want to talk about the show. Boy that Maryanne. What a bitch! (I just watched season 2).

Anyway, in this first part of the last hour of the show Matt plays some songs and then there’s the fan phone call. What songs, you ask? I’m in the process of getting the names. Here are some working titles, and by that I mean titles I’ve given the songs while waiting for the real ones: “Save Me,” “This Train (UPDATE: It’s called OPHELIA).”  You should probably watch it:

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Matt Costa live on the next Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend

Matt Costa will be playing live on the next episode of Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend which, due to scheduling, will happen in the original time slot of Wednesday at 7pm PT/10pm ET (July 14) as opposed to the new time slot of Sunday, whenever PT/3 hours later ET. In honor of Matt gracing my show with his presence I decided to post an outdated photo of him sitting in the street. I did not take this photo, as I would never endanger my subjects in such a fashion. Should it so happen that the photographer took pains to create a traffic blockade I stand corrected.

If you don’t know who Matt is, you should totally fix that situation before Wednesday because it’s a pretty big deal that he’s on my show. For him, that is. He’s pinching himself. I’m kind of inured to big stars, being one myself.

(But really, I’m very excited he’s going to be playing on my show. Very very very excited!)

In other news, there’s other news but I’m too tired right now to go into any of it. Thank you all for the messages of support though. I appreciate it.

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Hello from the hospital

Hi everyone! As many of you know, one of my family members has been going through some unexpected medical stuff and whereas I like to blab my news to everyone whose path I cross, especially online, this person isn’t ready to be treated differently and to have people come up and say, “How are you feeling? Are you ok?” with a concerned look on their face and so I can only vaguely talk about it. In fact, I’ve decided I’m going to give this person a fake name: Marvin. Except Marvin might be female or might be male. I’m not saying just yet. Anyway, Marvin was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday to have a big operation and while doing the operation they found the thing they were looking for, or rather, the thing they suspected might be there (a pastrami sandwich, a parakeet and a personalized keyring) and so Marvin is now recovering from surgery. Once Marvin fully recovers a plan will be put in place for how to treat aforementioned pastrami, parakeet and keyring. Also, in case anyone is wondering: this all sucks. I’m sure there’s a positive way of seeing this and I’m presenting the very positive way of seeing this to Marvin since it’s important when discussing parakeets to stay focused on the present but I really hate seeing Marvin all drugged and weak and scared and also Marvin fell over the morning of the surgery so Marvin has a cut and a bruise on his/her forehead from falling from the toilet into the shower. That has nothing to do with the parakeets or Marvin’s condition, just that Marvin was tired and wobbly and half awake and fell asleep on the toilet so poor Marvin has to wear a wrist bracelet that says “fall risk.” I keep joking that I’m going to change it to “fart risk” because I feel, in situations like this, it’s best not to overwhelm them with anything close to actual humor.

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Clue, my show, I sneezed, iTunes

Recently I played Clue with my mom and sister and while it’s unflattering to gloat, I won by a longshot. My sister claims she’d also figured it out and was about to guess the same winning trio if only she could get her playing piece into the correct room (which now escapes me. The Attic? The Mud Room? The Bonus Room? The Telescope Room? The Lanai?) however I’m pretty sure she’s lying. What makes me so sure? She’s a total liar and not to be trusted with any board games. The Great Monopoly Heist of 82? The Giant Boggle Debacle of 93? The Humongous Candy Land Rip Off of 2005? All my sister’s handiwork. Once she even stole all the ladders from Chutes & Ladders. Have you ever tried playing just Chutes? It’s a very fast game. But more than my sister and her sticky fingers is the fact that I’m pretty sure I’d be an asset to any small police department or other crime solving agency because the way I solved the murder in Clue the other night was genius and I’m pretty sure I should try my hand at forensics next.

In other news I am still in CA and I just sneezed. Not a tiny little dainty sneeze but a big “Oh no!” kind of sneeze where even though I sneezed a good five seconds ago I think if you were to look at me you would be able to tell I just sneezed. You would also be able to tell that I just woke up. I’m beautiful and I have allergies is what I’m trying to tell you.

Tomorrow’s show should be fun, but then I always say that. Here’s the FB page with info. Not only will my friend Yami (and maybe her baby!) be on the show but Dustin is in these parts and I’m trying to get him to be on the show too because then it’d be like we’ve gone on location. Like if Benson & Stabler were in California. There I go again with the crime solving.

Anything else? Well things are still kind of shitty in regards to the specific shitty situation which you may or may not know a tiny bit about and which I can only refer to in these oblique ways but completely unrelated and fairly fantastic: my shows are now on itunes!

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp