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Archive | dustin

Nut Fondling

I kind of wish this was a video of us holding cashews but it isn’t. It’s a primer on the delicate art of nut fondling, filmed when we couldn’t stop laughing. Warning: immature adult content. [Allow me to add that there is no actual nut fondling nor even any nuts in this video. Grody!]

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Look, it's another 30 Seconds On…

After staying up half the night trying in vain to import* a video and failing because I don’t have enough room on my hard drive I decided to go nuts and buy a 1TB external hard drive. This means I can store everything in the whole world on it, or so I’ve been led to believe. I’m going to start by loading puppies onto it. In other news, here is this video. I decided to leave the extraneous chatter at the beginning in here even though I suspect Dustin will think I should have edited it out because the way I see it, without it, the whole thing would just be too slick and professional seeming. We’re kind of always at constant risk of that.

*from China. Weekend at Bernie’s Three.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp