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Author Archive | Alison Rosen

same videos, new, um, post about them

So I put up this blog post on The Activity Pit and then I was thinking maybe I should repost it here but then I was thinking that I already put these videos here but then I was like but there’s slightly more commentary in this post and then I was all but only like a sentence or so and then I was like but I don’t know and then I’m all sure why not, you know? So here it is:

Hey fancy feet! (That’s you. I decided your feet are fancy. Just go with it.) For the last couple weeks I was stationed on a rooftop covering the MINI rooftop NYC event. We made a series of videos which I think are fun, but then I have a very high opinion of myself.

Anyway, if you want to see them, they’re here:

But wait, here are a few of my favorites which are on YouTube. Guided tour? Sure, why not.

In this first one I made a mockery of India and exercise and for that I’m vaguely sorry.

And then in this one, some stuff happened.

And I like this one too but I can’t remember why:

Oh and this one too!

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I'm still mad

So I'm at the hospital where my mom had surgery this morning. She's okay, just had a pesky gallbladder removed and a couple hernias repaired. I almost got in a fight with two evil women in the parking lot and I'm too tired to go into the details but I almost had to bust a psychotic dance move in their ass, which I so totally would have. I mean really, isn't a hospital parking lot a weird place to be a total bitch? I'm talking about them, not me. I was meek and docile but inside I was, um, not that way. Also, on the plane out I watched Growing Up Marsupial. Have you seen this? So cute! As for this hospital, it's good but it's no Seattle Grace. That's probably good actually.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Okay so it wasn't yoga I was doing that day

The Masala Bhangra video is up. (Thanks to Joe for tipping me off!) It’s not on YouTube yet or I’d post it here but you can see it at

And in case you are wondering, up until about fifteen minutes before I left the house I was planning on wearing regular exercise clothes because, as I lamented in a previous post, I didn’t have access to sweatbands or funny clothes. But then I saw that V Magazine t-shirt I’d been given as a party favor the night before and I ripped the neckband off, Flashdance-style but I was too overzealous in the ripping. On a lark I safety pinned it and then turned the sleeve excess into wristbands. I tied my bathrobe sash around my forehead as I do every morning. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not only a phenomenal dancer but a burgeoning designer as well.

See all the MINIspace videos here:

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Goodbye rooftop!

Today’s the first day I’m not on the rooftop! I think I have rooftop legs. Anyway, here’s a photo from last night with the MINIspace team. I don’t even believe in teams since there’s no “I” in them, but I had fun for these past ten days and more videos will be posted in the coming week so check back, won’t you?

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