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Wake up with me

Because your ardor for me is matched only by your curiosity, you’re likely wondering what my mornings look like. Well I’ll tell you. Every morning I wake up with the intention of going to the gym before work. Half the time I actually go, even if I end up riding the bike because it’s the one machine I can essentially sleep on while exercising. I call it sleepercizing. The other half of the time I press snooze repeatedly until the window for 1) going to the gym closes 2) taking a shower and washing my hair closes 3) taking a shower and not washing my hair closes 4) taking a shower at all closes. I’m surprised I even change clothes to go to work, and don’t think I haven’t been tempted to just wear pajamas. There was a time when I used to wear make up and look stylish every day at work but that folly is behind me. Plus the more you’re on TV the more it begins to feel like your real life and your real life feels more like downtime and it’s all very confusing. I hope that doesn’t sound as affected as I fear it might. But back to this gym thing. One of my motivators for going in the morning, which is always painful, is to change into my gym clothes and then let myself get back into bed for a little while knowing I’ll really go in 10 minutes but lately I can’t even do that! Anyone have any tips for making themselves workout before work? Share, won’t you?

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Red Eye photos UPDATE: link added

You’d be amazed what you can find when you spend a considerable amount of time scouring the internet for pictures of yourself. Wait, did I just say that? What I meant to say is that you wouldn’t believe how time flies when you’re teaching young children how to read. Also, here are some photos PLUS A LINK TO A CLIP:

And then an older one I found:

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I posted this on myspace but now I’m posting it here because I still can’t figure out how to manage these blogs and what I should be posting where and stuff. But anyway:

So Ethan and I do these Vlogs at work when the EIC is unable to do them. I don’t always post them because they’re kind of hard to find but if you go to this link you can see the most recent oneand then if you go to you can scroll through and find others. Also, some time ago I hosted an bookcase buildoff at an Ikea in Paramus New Jersey for a story we were doing and if you go to TONY EXCLUSIVES and then Ikea bookcase buildoff it’s there. And there’s some other stuff too, single in the city, service in the city and some interviews from the Black Snake Moan premiere.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp