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He's Just Not that Into Ukulele

Worried your man isn’t that into the ukulele and yet afraid to ask? Don’t get your hula skirt in a knot, girlfriend, we’re here to help! First and foremost, direct communication when at all possible is advised. Why not just ask him how he feels about the small four stringed instrument? What’s the worst that could happen? He’s say he’s not feeling it and then you’d cry into your poi balls? It’s easier said than done, though, and we get that. Maybe you aren’t ready to have that conversation just yet. In that case, here are some signs he might just not be that into ukulele:

He avoids luaus
Claims hand is broken and yet proceeds to enter yo-yo championship, and win!
Claims has no time for the ukulele now that he’s a yo-yo celebrity
Refers to ukulele as “that annoying wannabe guitar”
Refers to banjo as “a step up from shitty ukulele”
Never tries to have sex with ukulele
Denies selling his Don Ho albums on eBay
Claims eBay handle “Don Ho Electronic Store Superseller” is just “coincidence”
Deep seated sudden hatred for bubbles of all sizes but especially tiny bubbles
Could care less about your dog or its flea condition
Says he’s just been “really busy… not playing the ukulele”

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Drinking games that will get you drunk

In honor of today’s organized whiffleball championship, or Superbowl Sunday as you people insist on calling it, I bring you the following drinking games that will get you drunk. And yes I know I’m a day late:

Drink anytime someone says something

Drink after every time you swallow… a drink

Drink when you see a hat

Drink when you see rat

Drink when you rhyme… either intentionally or unintentionally

Drink when something happens during a televised sporting event

Drink when you see someone wearing something with pockets

Drink every time you think about sex… and every time you don’t

Drink every time you think about aardvarks… and every time you don’t

Drink when it dawns on you that there’s something weird about the fact you associate sex with aardvarks

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Things I Won't Be Doing On Superbowl Sunday

Yelling at a television set

Painting my face

Counting the layers in any sort of bean dip type situation

Claiming there are seven layers despite a fellow bean dip lover’s insistence that there are eight

Talking about what I was doing at exactly this time last year

Taking a cross-section of said dip and counting the layers

Wearing a jersey

Getting frustrated regarding bean dip kerfuffle and shooting friend in the face

With easy cheese!

Tossin’ the pigskin

Slappin’ the salami

Chokin’ the chicken

Wait, this is the wrong kind of list

Rooting for “my” team

Understanding how the game works

Shotgunning beers

Riding shotgun… on the couch!

Officiating at any sort of shotgun wedding

Doing any sort of special touchdown dance

Taking odds

Performing at half time

Wearing my lucky underwear

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Stuff I've accomplished today

In case you’re thinking I haven’t accomplished much today I’m standing here telling you that you are wrong with a capital WR! WRong my friend. Incorrect. Erroneous. Full of misinformation. Dunderheaded. Chowderbrained. Mistaken. Specious.

Not that I have to justify myself to you or anything but I may as well tell you just a little bit about all that I’ve done. But I’m telling you because I want to, not because I owe you or because I have anything to prove so don’t get the wrong idea.

I placed an order on for shampoo and toilet paper except web sites refuse to call it toilet paper which is evidently grody and gauche and so I had to search around the site trying to find it. I ordered 18 rolls of something called “aluminum foil.” Hope it’s the right thing!

THEN my mom called and I stayed on the phone with her for an hour even though I said three times “I don’t want to be on the phone anymore.” I even whined something fierce by the third time. Then I pouted for awhile.

THEN I took a shower and not just any shower but a cold one. And here’s the thing that gets me, I was just talking with someone about the amazing water pressure in my shower so I’m concerned the shower overheard me and got too comfortable. You know? I’m not ready for the shower to have stopped trying.

THEN I shivered for awhile.

THEN I turned blue and dropped dead.

THEN I checked my email.

THEN I drank some black cherry flavored sparkling water which is free of calories, caffeine and sodium but full of heroin, which I dump in by the rock full. By the chunk full? By the resin? By the small bag? I’m sorry, apparently I don’t know as much about heroin as I pretend.

THEN I wrote this blog post.

THEN someone gave me a puppy and I played with it. “How did you know?” I asked. “I just did,” said… the puppy. His name was Sal.

THEN I renamed the puppy because I wouldn’t name a puppy Sal. I mean, give me a break!

THEN I noticed that my fingers were kid of pruney.

THEN the puppy and I fought crime together and saved three porpoises and an orphan.

THEN I did other amazing things that I’m not going to tell you about because frankly, you and I are SO OVER.

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Ways To Stimulate the Economy

How about listen to it, for once?!?!?!

Leave a little note that it will find in an unexpected place. Like, say, on a dollar bill.

Serve it breakfast in bed.

Give it a homemade coupon book with coupons good for things like “one night at the movies” or “one backrub” or “3 trillion dollars”

You be Ben Bernanke and go from there. Naughty! LOL! 🙂

Satin sheets in the U.S. Mint

Municipal Bondage Gear

Unplug the phone and practice the Invisible Hand Theory

Just when you’re about to file for Chapter 11, think of your grandma

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Bro no

I’m fairly tired of the bro prefix. It was funny about eight years ago when people were joking about bro-downs and brodeos. Circa now, it’s lost its charm. So I was thinking, what are some words that would never get the bro treatment? Words that are bro-proof? Here are a few:

Pot Broast
Brole playing games
Bromaine lettuce
Brotery telephone
Bro nail fungus

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Rejected titles for Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The Strange Story of Zachary Zipper

The Bizarre Boondoggle of Steven Snaps

The Krazy Kerfuffle of Voldemort Velcro

The Fucked Up Foofaraw of Peter Pullover

The Pear-Shaped Plight of Kevin Kiltpin

The Odd Opus of Dennis Drawstring (note: Andy “I have 700 and something Twitter followers” Levy wrote this one)

The Twisted Tale of Eric Elastic Waistband

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Things You Never Hear Anyone Say

[NOTE: I slapped this up here without any context so just wanted to take a moment to say… there’s no context. I was just sitting around thinking of things you never hear anyone say either because they’re ridiculous or because they’re socially unacceptable. So I thought I’d make a list. This is that list.]

“Wow, nice toupee!”

“I find the way we’ve been introduced a number of times but you always act as if you don’t know me refreshing.”

“Oh goody, I was hoping your sister could come along on our date.”

“Gee, thanks for these holiday themed socks that play a song. They’re just what I wanted!”

“No need to pay me, boss. I put in a mind-numbing day of pointless work because I enjoy it.”

“Tell me again about your bunion!”

“Well I came to your party to see if there was anyone who could advance my career or who I could sleep with. Since there isn’t, I’m going to hit the road. Mind if I look in your medicine cabinet first?”

“I don’t know what it is but Urkel just cracks me up.”

“Actually yes, you do look fat in those pants.”

“Thanks for inviting me over and telling me those fantastically dull stories!”

“I thought we might have a future together but then I got to know you.”

“It’s you, not me.”

“Actually I am ready for a relationship, just not with you.”

“Hands down, the best thing about a cocaine-fueled orgy is the way you feel the next day.”

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Breaking Joe Francis update!

I just got an email from my high school friend Trevor (of the doublequarce, nince, dince) and he read this and says:

I don’t remember him at all. According to Wikipedia, he was born in
1973 making him older than us. Also according to wikipedia:

Francis grew up in Laguna Beach, California, USA.[3] […]

Francis attended and was expelled from Our Lady Queen of Angels
Catholic School among others.[2] He graduated from the University of
Southern California in 1995 with a degree in Business Administration.
He also completed USC’s Entrepreneur Program.[4]

This makes me doubt the veracity of your memory. In any case, say hi
to your parents!

Now apparently Joe was only in our Spanish class (which had a mix of grades and also I was advanced in Spanish) for a little while and then he transferred to Laguna so it’s possible everyone’s right. I think probably I just wasn’t in that particular Spanish class.

Note: I kind of can’t believe I’m spending this much time figuring this out when a) I really don’t care b) I have other things I should be doing and c) there are other more interesting people that went to that high school if I’m really going to waste time talking about high school d) I mean, I should take a shower, that’s how much there are other things I should be doing e) the guy who wrote You, Me and Dupree went to CDM I just found out f) also, Lars from Metallica g) and McG who produced The OC and a bunch of other stuff h) do you think it’s weird that I still have to say the alphabet in my head sometimes to figure out what comes next? i) you do? thanks for the support! j) maybe I should just have a rule like I always take a shower right when I get up k) except that doesn’t factor in going to the gym l) freelancing makes you weird! m) Swingtown is on tonight. I’m pretty excited n) but not as excited as I’d be if it were Sunday and Next Food Network Star was on! o) it’s my favorite.

Guess I have no choice but to do Jello shots and put on calypso music. (That’s how you summon Joe Francis.)

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp