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0 Responses to Video of me being interviewed on the radio

  1. Brett Jones February 6, 2009 at 12:31 pm #

    Sometimes I think Alison is an alien that sustains itself on the adoration of humans.

  2. Joe February 6, 2009 at 1:02 pm #

    Did my post about Woofie not make it through? Or maybe I never hit Publish…

    Anyway, I just said that your parents shouldn’t have waited 5 years before getting another pet.

    My parents were really sad and kind of depressed after their dog died. They had him for a long time. But after about 6 months they got a kitten, which I didn’t think my father would like that much. He never expressed any interest at all in cats. Quite the contrary. But he loved the little fuzzball! The change in him was pretty dramatic.

    And I think it’s quite a coincidence that one of Anna’s cats and your parents’ dog are both named Tobey.

    It IS a coincidence — right?

  3. Toddrod February 6, 2009 at 1:21 pm #

    LoL Brett Jones! Someone may make a movie with the premise someday soon just cuz of your comment!

    “Viagra is PEOPLE!!!”


  4. Brett Jones February 6, 2009 at 2:01 pm #

    A beloved national football hero/movie star/saver of babies fire fighter type falls out of favor with the public when it’s discovered he’s a space alien bent on monopolization of the love and adoration of the American people. As more and more people grow to hate him, his desperation to recapture the nations love pushes him over the edge and he decides to kill what he can’t have.

    I’m not sure what I’d call it. Possibly the OJ Simpson story, but that title’s really not Sci-Fi-ish enough.

  5. KevinC. February 6, 2009 at 2:43 pm #

    I had to read that first line like 4 times before I got it, and I’m still not sure if I did understand?

  6. Brett Jones February 6, 2009 at 3:30 pm #

    My opus fails for want of a comma… and more than likely other grammatical errors, and original thought.

  7. Face2Face February 6, 2009 at 6:32 pm #

    Wow, I didn’t know you were so self-absorbed. You know beauty is only skin deep. =)

  8. Brett Jones February 6, 2009 at 8:52 pm #

    Yeah, but hot ass funny chick goes straight to the bone…

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp